Promoting Khalistan will bring new problems for Pakistan


It seems some individuals from Sikh community in America, Britain and Canada, have become active again calling for a Khalistan (a Sikh majority state in Indian Punjab). In the past, people wanting Khalistan in Punjab, have actually claimed that Pakistan’s major city of Lahore should be its capital considering that there are many Sikh shrines in Pakistan.

Now it is becoming patently obvious that Pakistan’s intelligence service is promoting Khalistan along with its Kashmir agenda. It is strange that in doing so they are forgetting history. Most of the bloodshed in 1947 at the time of Partition in Punjab was between Sikhs and Muslims. But now they are letting paid Khalistan supporters, who are ostensibly not of Muslim faith, shouting Allah o Akbar

More importantly, the Sikh for Justice organization which ostensibly talks about Khalistan, has directly written a letter (taken from a tweet by @setholdmixon) and acknowledged it.

The letter will probably end up being investigated by law enforcement agencies in America, which is preparing to start looking upon China as its peer competitor.

Moreover, the Pakistani state propaganda outlets on social media are celebrating this as evidence of China being ready to support Pakistan and Khalistanis in dismembering India, a fellow United Nations member with which China has annual trade of over $80 billion.

This kind of adventurism can get Pakistani into a lot of trouble. Pakistan is still trying to recover from sanctions and global condemnation resulting from support of militancy in Afghanistan and Kashmir. Is it in Pakistan’s interests to attract new sanctions from groups like the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) over unlawful activities by Khalistanis?

Please let Pakistan focus on its own economic development and ending its internal crises. Irresponsible and fanatical Khalistan advocates like the man who has written a letter to the Chinese President so openly, will only bring new problems and trouble for Pakistan.
