
    Pakistan Needs more Politics Not Protests

    Pakistan’s reputation globally is of a country perennially in crisis mode and images of protests and chaos on the streets of its capital and other cities do not help. For the last two years,...

    Pakistan Needs more Politics Not Protests

    Pakistan’s reputation globally is of a country perennially in crisis mode and images of protests and chaos on the streets of its capital and...

    The State Needs to Ensure No Citizen Goes Hungry

    77 years after Independence the Pakistani state has yet to ensure that each one of its 240 million citizens have access to food, clothing...

    Access to Water is the Right of Every Pakistani Citizen

    It is inexplicable and a devastating critique of the Pakistani state that 77 years after independence, almost half of Pakistan’s urban population go without...

    The Pakistani State has Itself to Blame for Rising Bigotry & Violence

    Religious violence and religiously motivated bigotry has long been prevalent in Pakistani society and has never been a genuine priority for the Pakistani state....

    HRCP: State Failing in Duty to Protect Citizens in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

    The first duty of any state is protecting the life and property of its citizens. The Pakistani state has consistently failed to do so...

    Pakistanis Want a New Deal; The Deep State Wants More Control

    For the last 77 years the Pakistani military – intelligence establishment has retained its control, whether through direct rule or indirect rule. They have...

    Pakistan’s 24th IMF Loan Will Not Resolve Its Structural Economic Crisis

    The government of Pakistan must be breathing a sigh of relief that the IMF has approved a $7 billion bailout program for 37 months....

    Pakistan’s Abysmal Investment in the Future of Its Children

    The first role of any government is to take care of its citizens and invest in human capital. Unfortunately, that has never been the...

    To Be Taken Seriously on TTP, Pakistan Needs to Crackdown on All Jihadi Groups

    Pakistan faces a multiplicity of crisis including a security crisis at the heart of which is the Pakistani state’s decades long policy of using...

    Pakistan Faces A Chikungunya Epidemic, Needs a Drastic Solution

    The first priority of any state is to protect its citizens, from foreign and domestic threats. Basic healthcare is one of the provisions that...

    Pakistan’s Afghanistan Policy Remains on a Downward Trajectory

    Every country’s most important relations are with its immediate neighbors. Pakistan is one of those few countries that has problematic ties with both its...

    Pakistani State Playing with Fire, Will Lead down an Abyss

    Pakistan has often lurched from crisis to crisis over the last 77 years, but over the last two years polarization has deepened in the...

    Without Respect for Democratic Norms, Pakistan Will Lurch from Crisis to Crisis

    Democracy rests on respect for dissent and difference of opinion. When institutions of state and the greater public do not have any respect for...

    Pakistan’s Lack of a Social Contract is Fragmenting the Country

    Democracy and the idea of citizenship is based upon a social contract between the state and the citizens. Pakistan has never had a social...

    Pakistan’s Impending AIDS/ HIV Epidemic

    Pakistan is no country for the young, the old, or the sick. The country’s rickety health infrastructure, ignorance among health professionals and successive governments...

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