Turn down the heat in Kashmir


armyCross border firing in Kashmir has once again taken a toll. Three Pakistan Army soldiers embraced shahadat, and 7 Indian soldiers were killed on the other side during the latest border flare up.

untitled-1-1479901655Civilians too are loosing their lives.

On Monday, four civilians were killed and 10 others were injured in different sectors along the de facto border while six Indian soldiers were also confirmed dead in retaliatory fire.

India has clearly failed to understand the gravity of the situation, and cannot be expected to take the high road. Pakistan Army has demonstrated both the willingness and ability to give a befitting reply to all Indian aggression, but in order to protect the lives of innocents, we need to take a new approach.

The solution will not be easy, and it will take strength and courage to succeed. In order to save innocent lives, we must find a way to reduce the tension in Kashmir and return some normality to the lives of the Kashmiri people.


Author: Omar Derawal