Here’s Why Ansar Abbasi’s Pathankot Conspiracy Makes No Sense


Mohammad TanzilMohammad Tanzil, inspector of India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) involved in investigation of the Pathankot terrorist attack, was gunned down in UP while returning home from a wedding. According to Ansar Abbasi, this adds to doubts about veracity of Pathankot attack because Tanzil was Muslim.

Pakistani security agency sources believed that India appears to have started to eliminate those “doubtful” Indians who actually came to know during the course of investigations of the drama of the ‘False Flag Operation’ at Pathankot.

Questions are being raised as to why the wife of the NIA officer has also been hit. Was it the result of possible fears that the officer might have divulged anything to his wife? Can the state be so callous that it starts killing its own citizen and a serving officer whose only crime was that he was a Muslim who had come to know the dark secrets of Indian statecraft?

There is so much wrong with this report. Are questions really being raised as to why the officers wife was hit? Isn’t the obvious answer that when gunmen carry out their hit they are not using laser guided bullets, and when they are spraying their target they will kill anything and everything in their path? Mohammad Tanzil was hit 21 times. That does not sound like a precise assassination, it sounds like a hail of gunfire. This may be the stupidest question of Ansar Abbasi’s, but it is not the only one.

Ansar Abbasi’s entire conspiracy theory is based on the idea that the investigator was killed because he was Muslim. This says more about Ansar Abbasi than anything else, however if it is true that he is reporting what he is told by our own security agencies, then it also explains a lot about our own national insecurity.

The assumption being made is that because Mohammad Tanzil was a Muslim, he would have discovered that the attack was a ‘false flag’ operation and therefore had to be eliminated before he spilled the beans. There are some obvious problems with this. If Mohammad Tanzil could discover that the attack was fake, so can others. Will India kill all of its investigators to keep them quiet? If the other investigators are willing to go along with the conspiracy because they are Indian, why wouldn’t Mohammad Tanzil? Are we supposed to think that because he was Muslim he was sympathetic to Pakistan? If so, why didn’t he remain Indian till his death? Could it be that he was a proud Muslim and a proud Indian, just like there are proud Hindus who are also proud Pakistanis?

As with most conspiracy theories, there is a much more obvious answer to who killed Mohammad Tanzil and why. Isn’t it also possible that he was killed by the jihadis who orchestrated the attack as revenge against a Muslim who was siding with India over Pakistan?

Jihadi groups inclulding Jaish-e-Mohammad who is suspected in Pathankot attack spoke openly about their plans to increase attacks against Indian targets. Do we believe they are lying? Or are certain quarters trying to ‘muddy the waters’ by spreading conspiracy theories in order to protect strategic assets? These are questions we are not likely to get answered by the likes of Ansar Abbasi.


Author: Omar Derawal