JNU Protests: Is Political Dissent Acceptable Here, Also?


JNU protest

The arrest and treatment of Kanhaiya Kumar and Indian government’s militant overreaction to protests at Jawaharlal Nehru University have given a black eye to India which claims to be the world’s largest democracy. In Pakistan, the response to this has been a heartening defence of the right to free speech and political dissent, and a strong reaction against hypernationalism. Pakistani media has declared that ‘Calling the brave students of JNU anti-Indian is a slur. They are holding up the best progressive traditions, aspiring to form a more democratic society’ and op-ed writers are saying ‘it is time for everyone to stand up and be counted’ against fascism.

This change of heart and new love of dissent and free speech among our countrymen will sound like sweet music to the ears of those like Asma Jahangir, Marvi Sirmed, and Husain Haqqani who have been hounded and threatened for daring to challenge official narratives and hypernationalistic ideology. After being forced out of Daily Times, now Mohammad Taqi will be given his own talk show on Express News?

No. Not here. Not now.

While we are strongly defending freedom of dissent and rallying against fascism, we are also preparing to send a cricket fan to prison for 10 years for celebrating a player from the wrong country.

Umar DarazIn an amazing display of blind hypocrisy, we are defending political dissidents in India and persecuting a poor cricket fan for the crime of appreciating the skill of Virat Kohli. Umar Daraz never organised a protest. He never gave speeches or wrote pamphlets against Pakistan. In this country, such acts are not necessary. According to police, merely holding an Indian flag to congratulate a cricket idol is an act ‘against the ideology of Pakistan’ and must be severely punished by destroying an innocent life.

Our media talking heads can smile and give all the comments on supporting freedom of speech and political dissent, but the joke is on us. India is wrongly handling the protests at JNU, but can we honestly believe such a debate could even be allowed to take place here? If you are unsure, please ask Umar Daraz what he thinks.

