Zarb-e-Azb: More declarations of success followed by more attacks


One month ago, ISPR announced that Taliban were “on the run” after successful Zarb-e-Azb operations. This was soon followed by attacks against military posts across the country. Yesterday, Army spokesman Gen Asim Bajwa repeated the claim, announcing that Army had neutralised the terrorists who were now only able to carry out “random attacks”. As if on cue, jihadi militants carried out another attack against Pakistan security forces, martyring three Frontier Corps soldiers.

Army is powerful, but it is not all powerful. It can not shape reality through statements. Just because attacks are not widely reported, it does not mean they did not happen.

Back in July, I warned against making premature declarations of success. The fear is that every time Army declares victory only to have it followed by a fresh attack, the people will begin to lose faith in what the Army is telling.

And then who will we turn to?

