Begum Chronicles, Pt 2


“The Diary of Noreen Begum” is a series from the blog Chai Chutney Politics. A woman of formidable fashion, she is married to Major General Assad Akhter, and recounts her daily life as a member of Lahore’s elite.

Too much has happened this past week, I just do not know if I can take it. I had despaired of my 22-year old Mona ever marrying. She was getting too old for suitable rishtas. Assad and I kept trying and found potentials – a couple of them were very good, but she rejected them all. One was a doctor living in the United States! His salary was great, so we could forget we hate Americans. Anyway, he was very impressive. Another was an engineer who came from such a good family in Islamabad – such good people, you know Journal, they have donated much to the flood victims. Ohh that story I cannot bear to watch on tv for too long. Hamid Mir knows that we are very sensitive. He obliges by spending most of his airtime blasting the government. Honestly, what are Zardari and Gilani doing to stop the water? Nothing, that’s what.

Anyway back to Mona. She now tells me she has rejected all the suitors we have found for her because she has a boyfriend and wants to marry him! Imagine this! What would my two best friends, Jugni and Shaista, say? Mona sat down at dinner yesterday and told her father and I. Assad knows the boy, or rather the boy’s family. They are businessmen. His name is Faisal Sheikh, an heir to the business. He doesn’t really do much, but then he is an heir. Assad said he didn’t have a problem – we probably would have found him for Mona anyway. He will meet with Faisal’s father soon. After I realized I would suffer no public humiliation, I quickly realized I had a wedding to plan! I rushed to tell Nona, my 17-year old son, who by the way is a star student at Aitchison. He seemed happy for his sister but not very enthusiastic when I mentioned all the work ahead for this elaborate wedding. He looked at me and said, “You’re going to spend something like half a crore when there are millions homeless because of the floods?” and then he walked out.


“Naveed, come back here this instant!”

I heard the door slam. Children today are so opinionated. It’s really just rude.
Chalo, I have to call Jugni and Shaista. Shaista has a 21-year old daughter…still unmarried.

