
    Afghan Taliban’s Return Worsens Pakistan’s Security Challenges

    For decades Pakistan’s security apparatus argued that Pakistan would be more secure if the Afghan Taliban were in power in Afghanistan. Many critics warned that the return of the Taliban would worsen Pakistan’s security...

    Afghan Taliban’s Return Worsens Pakistan’s Security Challenges

    For decades Pakistan’s security apparatus argued that Pakistan would be more secure if the Afghan Taliban were in power in Afghanistan. Many critics warned...

    Turning to the IMF Again & Again Will not Solve Pakistan’s Structural Problems

    Pakistan’s government may be heaving a sigh of relief that the country has obtained an agreement with the International Monetary Fund for a $7...

    Pakistan’s Shadow Games Destabilize Politics & Hurt the Economy

      Pakistani politics has often been compared to a shadow game in which the military establishment controls the levers and prevents an actual game from...

    Pakistani Establishment Repeats Past Mistakes

    Pakistan came into existence as a constitutional democracy but for most of its 77 years the country has not lived up to these traditions....

    Political Games Continue While Pakistan’s Economy Suffers

    Pakistan’s powers that be – civilian and military – continue to play games while the country faces a prolonged economic crisis. While many countries...

    Enforced Disappearances Trash Pakistan’s Claims of Democracy

    The first duty of every state is to its citizens, but in Pakistan’s case, the state has always discriminated against its citizens based on...

    Jihadi Militancy Continues to Bite Pakistan Back

    Pakistan continues to face many crises, one of which remains rising militancy. In response to this and also to demands by Pakistan’s close friend...

    Pakistan Struggles to Contain Sectarian Hate

    Pakistan is no country for minorities of any kind, Muslim or non-Muslim. Non-Muslim minorities have barely any rights, and even Ahmadis are counted as...

    Pakistan’s Budget Puts Burden on the Impoverished

    In early July, the PML-N led government released the budget for 2024-25. While the government and its supporters hailed the budget, experts and analysts...

    Pakistan’s Budget Lacks Political & Economic Vision

    The government of Pakistan and its military backers may claim all they want that the recently introduced budget will solve all of Pakistan’s problems....

    Pakistan Remains a Dysfunctional Economy Led by a Myopic Elite

    For the last 77 years there has been hope that Pakistan will get a government that will turn around its economy, but that has...

    Talibanization of Pakistani Society Happening: Human Rights Watchdog

    Pakistan has long been a society that is not for women of all ages something that is becoming reinforced in recent times. It appears...

    Pakistan Can’t Attract Investment, See Business as Usual Without Ending Violence

    Almost 77 years after the creation of Pakistan, the promise of a state where minorities would live freely is becoming increasingly distant. The recent...

    Blasphemy Vigilantism is a Dangerous Pakistani Epidemic Now

    Pakistan is known around the world as no country for minorities and having the worst blasphemy laws. However, in recent times, there has been...

    Pakistan’s Human Rights Record Worsens While its Leaders Point Fingers at Others

    Pakistan’s leaders are always the first to champion religious freedom and human rights of Muslims around the world but when it comes to Pakistan,...

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