Imran Khan’s Statement on Trump’s Muslim Ban Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Him


Imran Khan with Prince CharlesImran Khan wasted no time responding to American President Donald Trump’s order banning Muslims from entering the US, and his response tells everything you need to know about him.

“I pray that Trump bans Pakistani visas.”
–Imran Khan

Die-hard PTI supporters will quickly jump to excuse their boss by trying to explain that he was meaning it for the good of Pakistan, so that the country’s best and brightest don’t leave. However, let’s leave political spin aside for a minute and take a cold hard look at the facts.

  • Imran Khan himself lived abroad.
  • All of Imran Khan’s wives have been foreigners.
  • Imran Khan’s own children do not live in Pakistan.
  • Imran Khan has spent years traveling to America to raise money for his political party from overseas Pakistanis.

Now comes the second excuse: All of these people are patriotic Pakistanis because they support Imran Khan, they only stay away because all other politicians are corrupt.

It’s very clever. Actually, it’s too clever. If patriotic Pakistanis stay overseas because of corruption, how would banning them from US change corruption? And what about Pakistanis in London, or Dubai? Why just ban US visas? It makes no sense.

Need more convincing? Listen to how Imran describes “corrupt” politicians:

Lambasting Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Khan alleged, the PM had taken money from Pakistan and spent it abroad. “His businesses are abroad, his children are abroad, but he is the prime minister of Pakistan. He even goes abroad for checkups,” he said.

Once again, let’s take a cold hard look at the facts:

  • Imran Khan has admitted forming an offshore company to stash his money.
  • Imran Khan’s children are abroad.
  • Imran Khan goes abroad for checkups.

When Donald Trump’s visa ban was announced, I joked that Mullahs were going to be offended that Pakistan was not included in a ban on Muslims. Imran Khan did not even think to use the religious excuse (yet). Rather he has simply used an issue that hurts regular Pakistanis to support his own endless ambitions while also giving himself all the exceptions. He will gladly sacrifice you and your family if it helps him gain power. And he will do it while declaring it ‘patriotic’. In other words, Imran Khan himself is the embodiment of the everything he says is wrong with this country!


Author: Mukhtar Ahmed