President Obama Emphasizes Importance of Relationship with Pakistan


President Obama has spent the past several weeks conceptualizing a strategic partnership with Pakistan.


Pakistan is being watched closely by the entire world, as the issues and concerns it faces affect the entire region and the world’s security. The government of Pakistan, with the full support of the people, is working to improve the quality of life for all Pakistanis while simultaneously confronting the extremism.


This fact has not gone unnoticed. In her recent visit, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed the incredible importance of having a sustained friendship with Pakistan, acknowledging that mistakes have been made in the past.


And as the newspapers today are reporting, President Obama wrote a two-page letter to President Zardari, delivered by National Security Advisor James Jones. According to the Washington Post, the letter assured President Zardari the US would remain committed to stability and security within Pakistan. It also detailed ways to improve economic and military relations.


This is another example of goodwill, and we must now do our part. Though we improve our country for our country’s sake, we must also be willing to acknowledge a friend’s assistance.




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