US Congress Requests Revoking Visas For Qadri Supporters


In a letter to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday four American Members of Congress requested the US government to revoke visas to anyone supporting Mumtaz Qadri.

A copy of the letter which has been received by email terms the assassination of Salmaan Taseer “an unspeakable tragedy” and “heinous crime”.

We have now become aware that some of the most prominent clerics, journalists and lawyers who have praised Taseer’s death and have demonstrated support of his murderer, are people who frequently travel to the United States and hold American visas. We urge you to identify those Pakistani citizens that have shown demonstrable support of the assassination of Governor Taseer. We further request that visas not be issued to such people and that applications for new visas from those who have endorsed this heinous crime be denied.

The letter states that “it is imperative that we show our dedication to peace and not further violence” and requests the US State Department to increase diplomatic efforts and investment to support growth of democracy and tolerance in Pakistan.

The letter is signed by two Republicans and two Democrats in the US Congress: Steve Israel, Gary Ackerman, Peter King and Michael McCaul.




  1. This is the first time that US has seriously tried to deal with the problems. But, I think these congressmen didn’t seek an opinion of CIA director regarding Jamat-e-Islami, whose leaders have been on CIA’s payroll for a very long time.

    • Not difficult as these b@stards are all over the place on loud speakers, tv, newspapers making statements of their stance.
      Its mainly referring to some major leaders.

  2. pakistani mass is giving the air to terrorism on the sulman taseer assisanation and we are encouraging qadri who is the killer and its sin to kill anybody in islam…and i will condemn the assissantion of taseer….

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