Condemn and Condone this Fascist Thought!



I was perturbed to read the thoughts of Mr. Aftab Iqbal in Daily Jang of July 29th (  I consider the author has expressed views which are extremely segregationist and fascist. Here the parallel can clearly be drawn with Apartheid or Nazi philosophy and thought process, something that makes this thought potentially fatal for society and the state and thus merits a strong rebuke.
What is even more disturbing is that the thoughts appeared on the main stream media by a columnist/anchor who has gained nation-wide fame. So there impact is likely to be devastating. Just when the argument of a Philosopher King of Philosophers can be refuted on logical grounds, the absurdity and the dangers posed by it make it imperative that the thought be rejected, denounced and condoned in the strongest possible manner without it meriting a response.
The ideas presented here go against the very essence of liberal democracy, our constitution, our values, human rights and human equality, and above all freedom of expression, action and speech. It also possess a question as to whether we can allow such repressive, anti-freedom views to be expressed in the name of freedom of expression.
All of us, who have the virtue of impacting people around us have a duty to stop this thought at its very beginning. If not done now, such ideas always find psychologically disordered people in the societies and start gaining strength. So it is time to take preventive measures or it might be too late and too costly for us to deal with the menace in making.

I was perturbed to read the thoughts of Mr. Aftab Iqbal in Daily Jang of July 29th (  I consider the author has expressed views which are extremely segregationist and fascist. Here the parallel can clearly be drawn with Apartheid or Nazi philosophy and thought process, something that makes this thought potentially fatal for society and the state and thus merits a strong rebuke.


What is even more disturbing is that the thoughts appeared on the main stream media by a columnist/anchor who has gained nation-wide fame. So there impact is likely to be devastating. Just when the argument of a Philosopher King of Philosophers can be refuted on logical grounds, the absurdity and the dangers posed by it make it imperative that the thought be rejected, denounced and condoned in the strongest possible manner without it meriting a response.


The ideas presented here go against the very essence of liberal democracy, our constitution, our values, human rights and human equality, and above all freedom of expression, action and speech. It also possess a question as to whether we can allow such repressive, anti-freedom views to be expressed in the name of freedom of expression.


All of us, who have the virtue of impacting people around us have a duty to stop this thought at its very beginning. If not done now, such ideas always find psychologically disordered people in the societies and start gaining strength. So it is time to take preventive measures or it might be too late and too costly for us to deal with the menace in making.




