The Lesson from Bajaur Tragedy: Uproot all Terror Outfits


As Pakistan moves towards election season, it is even more critical that the state ensure protection for all political parties, irrespective of their ideological hue. The ghastly attack targeting a JUI-F rally in Bajaur illustrates the dangers political parties face particularly in KP and Balochistan.


In an ideal world, all parties must have a level playing field and be allowed to campaign freely by organizing rallies and other election-related events. However, that has rarely happened in Pakistan. As an editorial in Dawn noted, “the administration must work with political parties to ensure the latter can organize and hold events in order to communicate their respective messages to the voter.”


In conclusion, the Dawn editorial noted, “The ultimate solution is to uproot terrorist outfits that have been spilling innocent blood for decades. Until that end is achieved, both political players and the state must cooperate in order to save lives.”


Author: Ahsan Kureshi