Pashtun mothers in pain over escalating, heinous Taliban Attacks’


On May 12, 2020, the Afghan Taliban launched a heinous attack on a maternity ward in the Afghan capital, Kabul. The number of people killed in the militant attack has risen to 24 with mothers, newborn babies and nurses among the victims. At least 16 people were injured.

As Lyce Ducet of BBC News wrote “Even in a country which has seen the worst of the worst, this savage attack on newborn babies and their mothers has shocked, and shaken fragile hope this would be the year Afghanistan would finally start to turn towards peace. Images of special forces in bulky body armour, carrying infants to safety, will remain long in the memory of those who have repeatedly called for a ceasefire – especially when Afghans are battling another deadly enemy in Covid-19. Despite Taliban denials that this ghastly attack was their work, President Ghani’s denunciation reflects the anger and frustration of many. Some worry that groups like Islamic State, trying to drive an even greater wedge between Taliban and the government, have also killed for now what were slow uncertain steps toward peace talks.”

On May 13, the Pashtun Council of America, released an open letter from Afghan mothers to the United States, the UN and other international organizations calling for support for lasting peace in Afghanistan and asking the international community to help end the killing spree and deaths.

The letter is below.
