Articles Pakistan Media was Forced Not to Run- III


The Pakistani Deep state is attempting to muzzle Pakistani voices on the mainstream media. We at New Pakistan believe it is our duty to make sure these voices and what they say is read by all of you.

In this series we will print those articles that were not published by the mainstream media.

The third is an article by Gul Bukhari.

On April 16, 2018, Ms Bukhari stated on twitter: “I completely understand & respect The Nation’s position. However, here’s my article on the #PTM, pleading its case as a human being, Pakistani, and a Punjabi.” This article was later on also published on this website –

Here are a few lines from the article, the rest of the article is available in images below.

‘I am Pashteen’

Gul Bukhari

“It is astonishing that the country’s military leadership has alluded to the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement as ‘engineered’, with foreign connections. On Thursday the army chief said that ‘engineered protests’ will not be allowed to reverse the gains of counter-terrorism operations and cautioned the nation against forgetting sacrifices of the ‘real heros’, regretting that ‘no sooner had peace returned to FATA than a movement was started’. For the second time in a week on Saturday, the army chief again alluded to the movement as a ‘hybrid war’ being waged on Pakistan to internally weaken the country, but also noted that ‘the enemies were failing to divide the country on the basis of ethnicity and other identities.’ Both times he neither named the PTM nor its leaders.”

