Is Naya Pakistan truly Naya or is it still as Purana as always

In a recent editorial The Daily Times made this point clearly when it said that Imran Khan’s “government has more riding on it than perhaps previous ones in recent times. For the simple reason that it promised change across the board.”
Asking the question “Who is part of this Naya Pakistan” the DT Editorial stated that for “a real revolution to take place” the Government must amend “Article 248  of the Constitution which provides absolute presidential immunity from  criminal and civil proceedings. After all, PM Khan fought this election  on an accountability mandate; with repeated promises that this would  start from the very top.”
Further, the Editorial pointed out “the crucial matter of what to  do with the constitutional stipulation that the posts of Prime Minister  and President can be held by Muslims only.” Also, if the Imran Khan government wants to prove it is inclusive then there is a need to also improve the number of women in the cabinets, both at federal and provincial levels. “At the federal level, there are only three women ministers out of a total of 21. When it comes to the provinces, the Punjab boasts just one woman minister while Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan do not even manage that. The two women ministers in Sindh both belong to the PPP.”


Author: Shaista Sindhu