Articles Pakistan Media was Forced not to Run – V


New Pakistan is continuing its series of publishing those articles that Pakistan’s mainstream media was forced not to publish.

In this post we have Syed Talat Husain’s latest article, the first paragraph of his article is published below followed by the entire article.



Right or wrong

Syed Talat Husain

“Even a casual reading of the Islamabad High Court judgment (which for a change is written like a real judgment) cannot but leave you with a deep sense of bewilderment. How could a business-savvy dyed-in-the-wool politician like ex-foreign minister Khawaja Asif leave such gaping holes in his financial matters? How could he be so casual in explaining his employment with a UAE company? Why did he continue to be employed by a foreign entity drawing hefty salary even while he retained portfolios of defence and foreign ministry with him at home?

