Articles Pakistan Media was Forced Not to Run-1


The Pakistani Deep state is attempting to muzzle Pakistani voices on the mainstream media. We at New Pakistan believe it is our duty to make sure these voices and what they say is read by all of you.

In this series we will print those articles that were not published by the mainstream media.

The first is an article Mr Babar Sattar. On April 13, Mr Sattar stated on twitter: “Media is banned from mentioning #PTM. Geo-Jang shut down/ordered not to touch sensitive topics. So my Saturday column couldn’t be published #TheAgeOfFreelyControlledMedia. The debate triggered by #PTM is about coercive relationship btw citizen & Pakistani state.”

Here are a few lines from his article followed by the rest of the article below

We still have a soul

Babar Sattar

“Manzoor Pashteen’s social consciousness may be rooted in his Pasthun identity. He may be motivated by sufferings of fellow Pashtun’s he has seen growing up. But the questions he is asking are relevant for all of us. The debate triggered by Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement is about the coercive relationship between a citizen and Pakistani state and the character, priorities and actions of our state that are undermining three foundational rights of citizens upon which is built the edifice of the rest of their rights i.e. their rights to life/liberty, dignity and equality.”

