Attack of the Clones


Pakistan is currently under attack by a sinister foreign force. No, I am not talking about drones. This is much more deadly and much more sinister. As we all know, Husain Haqqani gave visas to possibly 3 crores CIA assassins. Using advanced Illuminati black magic, they have transformed their shape into the most patriotic of Muslims to wreak fitna. Because of their Western arrogance, however, they have once again over played their hand and exposed their true nature.

The first evidence of these clones was the rise of terror attacks in Pakistan after 9/11. As is well known and accepted, there was no terrorism in Pakistan before 2001, and all Pakistanis were healthy, educated, and upper middle class. 35,000 of innocent Pakistanis have been killed since that terrible day. Since we know that Muslims don’t kill Muslims, only explanation is it must be clones!

Then came the so-called raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Once again the Americans used their Illuminati witch craft in a nefarious scheme intended to defame the Fortress of Islam by telling that an evil terrorist lived there. However, a gora friend of General Hameed Gul spilled the beans to Iranian media and told that the Abbottabad operation actually led to the death of a clone!

Their lust against all that is good and pure unsatisfied by the success of this diabolical operation to defame Pakistan, they continued to target our national treasures, this time by deploying a clone of Aamir Liaqat to undermine the people’s religious sensibilities.

The evil of the American conspirators knowing no bounds, they then targeted the well loved preacher of peace Hazrat Hafiz Muhammad Saeed (RA) by deploying his dastardly clone to preach violent jihad.

Now, though, they have gone too far. The American crusaders have used clones of two of Pakistan’s greatest heroes, Meher Bokhari and Mubasher Lucman, and made it appear that these saints were actually a cheap pair of corrupt liars.

Does their evil know no bounds? This is the greatest threat to Pakistan today, and they are being supported by dual nationals, seculars, university graduates, musicians, EPL fans, takfiris, London walas and various other liberal scum! Who will be the next victim of their cloning technology?

