Will pedigrees bring change to Pakistan?


PTI is excited to announce that Waleed Iqbal has announced to join their party. Waleed Iqbal says he has never joined a political party before, and has no experience. So why is this announcement hailed by Imran Khan? Obviously, Waleed Iqbal has the only experience necessary…his pedigree.

Waleed Iqbal is the grandson of Allama Iqbal. In case you think this is coincidence, please note that the official PTI website does not even make the announcement by calling Waleed by his own name, simply referring to him as “Allama Iqbal’s grandson”.

This might seem like a big score for Imran Khan and his PTI, but it certainly also deflates any claims about being different from other parties where positions are inherited. After all, without his ancestor, would Imran Khan even care about poor Waleed who he can’t even call by his own name?

So PTI has a new member that can trace his ancestry to Allama Iqbal. Okay, but Yusuf Salahuddin is also a grandson of Iqbal and he is with PPP. Should we start asking which party has more Syeds? If ideology of Pakistan is Islam, shouldn’t this determine which party is best?

Of course not. Such a practice would be silly. Politicians should work to earn our support by their actions and their ideas, not their family history or who was their grandfather. Since he decided to take up politics 15 years ago, Imran Khan has been spending all of his time with people like Qazi Hussain Ahmed. Lately he’s been running around with Zaid Hamid, Ahmed Quraishi and crazy Ali Azmat.

Imran Khan, Ahmed Quraishi, Zaid Hamid and Ali Azmat

Imran Khan, Ahmed Quraishi, Zaid Hamid and Ali Azmat

These are Imran Khan’s ideological inspirations. Now Imran Khan is adding in the ingredient of pedigrees to his ideology, and this is supposed to bring change to Pakistan?


Author: Mahmood Adeel


  1. Mahmood Adeel which pedigree did Allama Iqbal belong to. I did not know you have opened a kennel and breed different pedigrees? You amaze me!

  2. Before joining any debate, I just want to elaborate few facts, how establishment in past make us fool in the name of change by introducing new faces.
    Let me explain you, first establishment enjoys the era of Ayub Khan and when they feel people are fed-up , they introduced Bhatto as fresh change and when establishment fed up by bhatto , they again introduced Zia-UL-haq , again story repeats ,again they feel people fed-up , they found new bhatto in the shape of Nawaz sharif in the name of change. Game starts used both and when they realize both have increased their learning curve by understanding establishment and now they can bring change , they immediately introduced Mushraf and thrown out both of them.
    Game becomes difficult for establishment with time and involvement of media. They again start working on old line to find all together new face and they have found Imran khan.
    So I will request all civil society, intellectuals be careful, Imran can’t bring any change except after some time new General in power.
    Nawaz has learning curve and might be if he comes in power this time being able to bring change.
    Another factor all battle is in Punjab as they know only this part of Pakistan can be mold easily as compare to others. Sindhi will vote for sindhi, Mohjar will vote for MQM, only Punjabi will vote for every one

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