Latest Abbottabad lie – How stupid do they think we are?


I have to admit that I’ve been a bit skeptical of the Abbottabad commission from the very beginning. It took the Americans a few hours to carry out the operation, and it has taken months for the commission to even get started. It was clear from the start that certain people didn’t want any inquiry at all. But after all this, now I’m supposed to believe that we won’t learn anything because of…America?!?

According to the front page of yesterday’s Express Tribune, the US is trying to put a big foreign hand over the mouth of the Abbottabad commission.

“The US was in fact strongly against the very idea of any commission to investigate the Abbottabad incident,” said a security official, who chose to stay anonymous.

Of course, the American Embassy immediately rubbished such claims and Express Tribune had to publish a statement contradicting their anonymous report. But reading the original article it becomes apparent what the real problem is.

Intelligence agencies have been collecting evidence and all the relevant details that could provide leads on how the world’s most recognised face managed to live undetected in a garrison town for so long, said another official.

“The arrest of several local people who were working for the CIA is also helpful in finding the unanswered questions,” the official revealed.

The first paragraph says that the agencies are investigation how Osama managed to live in Pakistan. The second paragraph says they are arresting local people who helped the CIA catch him. How is arresting locals who may or may not have tipped CIA in 2011 going to help us learn how Osama got here in 2005?

The real issue is not how the US found him. The real issue is how Osama bin Laden got into Pakistan in the first place, and it’s the one issue nobody wants to talk about. Shireen Mazari screeches on TV about visas, but never asks who gave Osama bin Laden’s passport stamp. Ghairat Brigadiers (R, of course) give lengthy speeches about defending the national sovereignty, but they are silent about thousands of foreign jihadis are coming to our country and carrying out attacks against our own people.

Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan confesses that TTP was behind the attack on PNS Mehran, and what do I read in the newspaper? Politicians scoring cheap political points by blaming the US.

When Abbottabad operation happened, what was the story from the anonymous “security officials” and Ghairat Brigadiers (R)? For weeks it was nothing because they were caught with their pants down. Then the usual parade of clowns began filling my inbox with confused and contradictory conspiracy theories. It was a joint operation and the Americans are refusing to give us our due! No, it was an invasion! They snuck in when our radars were having a rest! No, the radars were on but the hills got in the way! Osama was already dead! No, he wasn’t dead, but he did not do 9/11 attacks! No he was killed and he put up a brave fight against the imperialist bastards! No he was killed and he didn’t put up a fight because he was an innocent old man!

No matter what, the problem is arrogant Amreeka! As a perfect example, Gen sahib actually managed to make all of these ridiculous statements together in less than two minutes.

And now this pathetic song and dance has been followed with this latest number claiming that if we don’t learn anything from the commission, it’s not our fault, once again it’s the American’s fault!

The only question for me is…how stupid do they think we are? The answer, I’m afraid, is very.


Author: Mahmood Adeel