Satire: The Begum Chronicles


A new satire series has started on Sana’s blog Chai Chutney Politics. According to the author, ChaiChutneyPolitics is proud to be present “The Diary of Noreen Begum.” A woman of formidable fashion, she is married to Major General Assad Akhter, and recounts her daily life as a member of Lahore’s elite.”

Ufff! Paris mein itni garmi nahin thi!

Yesterday morning, Assad and I landed in Lahore after two months abroad in Europe. Two glorious months!

You just cannot match Europe for the wining and dining, and the things to DO. I cried more coming back to Pakistan than I did at my rukhsati! (Though back then I was weeping for different reasons) I was such a mess at the airport that Assad insisted on buying out the first class cabin on the plane for me. We landed and Saleem met us at the airport and brought us back to our home, Gulshan House.

I hardly recognized the neighborhood. They must be re-doing the streets again. I haven’t left the house, I’m still much too distraught to do anything but mope and look at our vacation pictures. I swear, I’m so much more beautiful in Europe, the lighting does wonders for my skin. Here? The government thinks we don’t NEED lights for ten hours a day!

Assad suggested I take up writing to pass the time. Who has the time to write when she could be shopping instead? Long shirts are back In style. Last season short shirts were in and so naturally I threw out all my long ones. Now I must have Bunto Kazmi make her fashions for me again.

Chalo, enough writing for now. The new episode of “Mere Saas Ki Bi Ek Saas thi…Aur Uski Bhi Ek Saas Thi” is on soon!

