Ignoring the Obvious


For all the talk about wanting to improve the nation, there is one common problem that we must solve if we are ever to actually make progress in the country. Yes, we will need to solve the problems of corruption, militants, energy, security and economic investment. But none of this will be possible until we stop ignoring the obvious.

I was reminded of this by the editorial in today’s Dawn about the gathering of Deobandi leaders in Lahore. Despite the opportunity to issue an important and resounding condemnation of the twisted minds that could dream up schemes to send 15-year-olds and women to blow themselves up, kiling innocents – the group managed to condemn everyone but the miscreants.

An extraordinary gathering of top Deobandi leaders was arranged in Lahore in the hope of getting religious leaders, scholars and politicians to speak with one voice in condemning, with no ifs or buts, suicide bombing and militancy in Pakistan.

The reason for the gathering was that the government and army have realised it is an important part of the counter-insurgency strategy to isolate the militants ideologically and expose them for what they are, i.e. murderers using religion as a cover to grab power and further their millenarian beliefs. Unfortunately, though perhaps not unpredictably, the Deobandi leadership baulked, preferring instead to focus on the ‘other’ causes of militancy in the country. These ‘other’ reasons are well-known: the American presence in Afghanistan, the lack of a ‘true’ Islamic system of governance in Pakistan, the Musharraf government’s support for the ‘evil’ Americans, drone strikes in the tribal areas, etc. In short, everyone but the people actually using bombs, suicide bombers, IEDs and beheadings to kill and maim Pakistanis are to blame for the security crisis in the country.

Not everyone who is a critic of American foreign policy in the region is a fanatic. Not everyone who questions the role of the Pakistan Army and state in the current state of affairs is a religious ideologue. Not everyone who supports talks and peace negotiations is a militant. But when a group of religious leaders comes together to discuss the issue of militancy, it is odd, to say the least, that it can find a voice to condemn everyone other than the militants themselves. Of course, not all those who attended the Deobandi conference in Lahore could be labelled as extremists. Indeed, observers have noted that ‘moderate’ voices were present, but in the end they were perhaps too intimidated by the hardliners in attendance to speak their minds.

Therein lies the great danger that still lurks inside Pakistan. Experts in counter-insurgency have long pointed out that a military response alone will not win this war against militancy. What’s needed is for the infrastructure of hate and religious bigotry to also be shut down. Branding all madressahs as incubators of hate and violence is wrong. But there is little doubt that there still exist, across Pakistan, mosques, schools of religious learning and other religious centres that continue to spew hate. Unless that infrastructure of hate is shut down, and clearly some in attendance at the Lahore conference would oppose such a move, Pakistan will never win its struggle for internal peace.

There is a similar tendency to ignore the obvious with regards to the UN report. Despite the rather obvious statements about responsibilty for the murder of Benazir Bhutto,we continue every day to hear people talking about Rehman Malik and Babar Awan driving away after the explosion. I’m not even sure I think this is very strange, myself. If you heard an explosion, would you drive away? But even if there is some questions there, why are some media types like Ansasr Abbasi and The Nation only writing about the question of Rehman Malik and not the glaringly obvious questions about Musharraf and MI?

There is a term that is used in literature called a ‘red herring’ that means “A deliberate attempt to divert attention. The ‘red herring’ is considered a particularly smelly fish that is used to get everyone’s attention so that they are not paying attention to the actual trail of the culprits. We seem to be particularly prone to distractions by such smelly fish, and with our attention diverted, our problems continue.

We must stop ignoring the obvious. We must stop letting political agents and their media cronies throw rotten fish in front of us to keep us distracted from the root causes of problems. If we don’t, things will never get better.





  1. We have become a nation of self-centered snobs who
    having pulled wool over our eyes also have buried
    our heads in the sand. In this situation whether we are kicked in the butt or leave the rest to the
    imagination? We have lost all sense of direction in these two decades and make no effort to seek the Truth.Our leadership gets directions from those whose vested interest lies elsewhere,And can
    we develop the strength in our character not to be
    led by the nose.

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