Encouraging News From Pakistaniat Readers


Encouraging news from Pakistaniat.com readers who have answered a poll about what should happen next in the NRO situation. 618 votes have been cast so far, and 42% say, “Government should stay. Do quick hearing of all NRO cases; clear the innocent; punish the guilty.”

Much of the chit chat about what will happen now that the NRO has been nullified is more questions than answers. Though everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, and most of us are certainly not lacking in an opinion, most people seem to be reaction mostly with anticipation. It is like we are waiting for the next episode of a popular drama. Each of us may have a guess as to how it will turn out, but none of us knows certainly what will happen.

The newspapers and TV talk shows are filled with doom and gloom scenarios. A popular topic of discourse in Internet chat rooms is the Bangladesh model. But this poll shows that when given clear choices, the largest group supports a fair and democratic process. In fact, if you add to this 42% the people who said, “Most of the people in NRO were politically framed” and “People have elected who they wanted. Let the government continue,” the percentage rises to 51%. In fact, only 19% say the government should be dissolved in some form or fashion, and only 4% say “This government should be dissolved. Military should take over.”

Whatever people like to say behind to get extra comments in Internet chat rooms, when asked what they really think in a poll, the majority say “Let the democratic process work.” This is encouraging news, and shows hope for a bright future for our nation.

