What is the Real Civil War in Pakistan?


By Waqar Kazmi

Now that Pakistan’s military under civilian leadership has started taking on the Jihadi-Taliban enterprise its apologists are crying foul. It is easier to turn the people of Pakistan against the US than in favor of Taliban after all the Taliban did in Swat and Malakand.

So the Shireen Mazari- Ahmed Qureshi Jihadi Support Network keeps coming up with new excuses. The Truth is, and every true Pakistani nationalist knows it, that Pakistan has to fight the Jihadis to save Pakistan. This is a fight for Pakistan’s soul. The US role in this fight is incidental.

However conspiracy theorists and pseudo-patriots like Mazari and Qureshi keep trying to turn the attention of Pakistanis away from the true problems facing our nation. For the last one year Ahmed Qureshi has been screaming aloud about how the US has a nefarious grand strategy for Pakistan. According to Qureshi this plan entails breaking up Pakistan and as part of this plan the Americans will not only take over Pakistan’s nuclear weapons but also send in undercover American soldiers into Pakistan

How is it that for the eight years that General Musharraf was in power, when the US-Pakistan collaboration was extremely close, when Pakistan handed over people to U.S. for cash (as Musharraf admits in his book) and when the American aid totaled to $10 billion Qureshi never feared any American takeover? Now that Pakistan has a civilian government which follows transparent policies, puts forth its views before the Americans, disagrees openly with them and will only get $1.5 billion annually Qureshi suddenly fears an American takeover of Pakistan?

Qureshi’s co-Conspiracy Theorist and Pseudo-Nationalist Shireen Mazari too never feared any American conspiracy during the Musharraf years. Now that she is no longer the Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies she suddenly sees Americans everywhere. If her article is not published by a newspaper the Americans must be behind it? If she is no longer Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies the Americans must be behind it? In this scenario one must ask Ms. Mazari if her recent appointment as Editor to The Nation was also under American dictat?

Ahmed Qureshi’s latest piece titled ‘US Plans Will Lead to a Pakistani Civil War’ refers in a very benign tone to the jihadis in Southern Punjab. Qureshi claims they are being targeted only because they hurt American interests. What Jihadi-Apologist Mr. Qureshi does not say is that groups like Sipaha-e-Sahaba have killed more Pakistanis than Indians or Americans. They are Pakistan’s enemies first and foremost and every Pakistani knows that. Various polls conducted in the last few months have shown that most Pakistanis want their army and police to take on these extremists and rid Pakistan of this evil. Several thousand Pakistanis have been killed in the last two decades in sectarian warfare. Our army’s jawans have laid down their lives to save us from these groups, the same groups Mr. Qureshi is protecting. Who are these people – like Qureshi and Mazari – trying to fool by playing to deep rooted Anti-American sentiments in Pakistan?

And how wrong is Mr Qureshi when he says that the Americans are attempting to destabilize Pakistan and lead it towards a ‘Civil War’! The real civil war in Pakistan, which has been on for many years, is between the Sunni extremists who kill innocent Shias in mosques and Shia extremists who blow up and kill innocent Sunnis. This is the Real Civil War. A war which our state, our army, our intelligence machinery has been fighting. Our brave intelligence officers have been killed by these extremists, by the Taliban and Al Qaeda for standing up to these jihadis. Our army has lost numerous men in its fight against extremism and jihad. This is the Real Civil War. But unfortunately jihadi-extremist supporters and apologists like Mazari and Qureshi and their followers will never understand this.




  1. A pathetic article. I think you dont know whats going on in Pakistan. The jihadi elements (21 or 23 groups) pakistani establishment used to drive for its defence and strategic interests has been purchased by International intelligence agencies (CIA, Mossad, MI6, RAW, and others, even the north european countries like Norway, Sweden) after their actual leadership was either disconnected or killed (as in case of Sipah-e-Sahaba) after 9/11. Now we all know who did 9/11 and what was the purpose of it. Its the kick off of the great game, the preparation of direct conflict between india and china after denying the china a best sea route (Gawadar port) and a best nuclear friend (pakistan). This is to help India to concentrate on preparations against china for direct military and economic conflict.
    The low level hardcore elements of the jihadi parties donot even know who is sponsoring them and what is the actual purpose. Baitullah Mehsud and party (the American Taliban) is not connected to Afghan Taliban in any way. Afghan Taliban have clearly denied any links with so called TTP. Baitullah and company is sponsored by CIA and can be known as outsourced militia.

  2. Faisal man wow. India preparing to war with China? Mehsud an American agent? LOL. I worry about you man. This is some crazy conspiracy theory you have here.

  3. this website is filed by pathetic stuff which is baseless and do not represent the actual facts. filled with articles of journalists on american payroll. These articles merely represent the actual voice of pakistanis

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  5. Our leaders are defending the US policies which merely represent the true wishes of people of pakistan. They defend their wrong actions and say what west wants them to say and what the west want to hear from our leaders no matter what happens to the peace and stability of Pakistan.

    Long live Pakistan

  6. Now in this situation it is 100 % clear, Even every Pakistani knows whats game America and international agencies are playing in Pakistan. These militants are Pakistani but they work for the international agencies interest. They are purchased by them. Even if any body emphasis in this question who is supporting these elements who is funding them who is providing them technological support and other there will be only one answer from Afghanistan. and who is operating there i9ndia and America which is providing the umbrella/shelter and under that umbrella there type of act they do.

    This game is clear in every body mind in Pakistan now its an other issue why Pakistan foreign policy defending these umbrella .

    Do comment if i am wrong….

  7. this website give chance to exprees views about critical condition of our countery,actuelly being a pakistani everyone know about involving yahodeelobey and international agencies are playing is game in pakistan.every pakistanei has clearevision that who provided shelter to them?its enough. now game should be over .extremely need to imrove personal moral and our honestactions,with loyelty to every pakistani in his or her place,so need improvement in our lives and behavioure.
    lover of pakistan

  8. What has caused the spilt between Sunni and the Shia brances of Islam many hundreds of years ago? When people have no hope or future would they not be prone to radical actions on both sides? The world will never be perfect, but how can everybody have a better future?

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