Baloch Grievances Boiling Over into Wider Rebellion


77 years after Independence, Pakistan has yet to become a country that treats all its minorities and its sub-nationalities as equals. The recent attacks in Musakhail, Bolan, Mastung, Kalat and Bela show the extent of the grievances felt by the Baloch.


As an editorial in Dawn stated, “It is only by listening to and cooperating with the people of Balochistan that the terrorists can be eliminated.” Balochistan has been in turmoil for many decades but the last two decades “especially following the killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti in an army operation, have seen the emergence of several armed secessionist groups.” The outfit Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the recent attacks maintaining that it had seized control of a big portion of the FC camp and most highways.


While violence can never be condoned, it is important that the Pakistani state listen to those Baloch voices who condemn violence, want peace and are in favor of genuine efforts for change. As the Dawn editorial noted, “the civil and security leadership must look deeper into the Balochistan question and identify the factors that have intensified the tension between the Baloch and the state. The reasons behind this wave of disaffection that have led young middle-class men and women to protest are well-known; they pertain to human rights violations, poor socioeconomic conditions, and the denial of political rights. These factors provide a fertile recruiting ground for terrorist groups on the lookout for angry, frustrated elements to join their ranks.”


Author: Naseer Baloch