The Nation withdraws ISI-inspired Article After Haqqani Threatens to Sue


On June 25th NP had published a post on Russian Psy-Ops, ‘Tie-up Between Russian Psy-War Operatives and Pakistan’s ISI’ exposing what we perceive as Russian operatives “sowing chaos” and “causing conflicts” within countries including Pakistan.

On June 23rd The Nation had published an article by a Russian psy-ops operative Andrew Korbyko titled ‘Pakistan picked the right spy chief and got the right people upset’ in which Mr Korbyko falsely accused to former Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States, Husain Haqqani, as an American and Indian spy.

Mr Haqqani immediately “initiated legal proceedings against The Nation newspaper of Pakistan, for calling him an American agent and saying he is a fugitive under the Pakistan law. According to a statement from Mr. Haqqani, his lawyer Yasser Latif Hamdani has sent a legal notice to The Nation asking for an apology and retraction of an offending article. Failing this, Mr. Hamdani “would start legal proceedings not only in Pakistan but also in the U.K. and other jurisdictions where the newspaper’s online edition is read, seeking damages to the tune of Pakistan Rupees 15 billion [$95 million]”, Mr. Haqqani’s statement read. Mr. Hamdani’s notice said that Mr. Haqqani “has always endeavoured lawfully and constitutionally to uphold democracy and civilian supremacy in Pakistan and that contrary to propaganda he had not been found guilty of any crime in any court of law”, as per the statement.”

By this morning The Nation had taken down the article from its website.


Author: Shaista Sindhu