Media Mujahideen’s Silly Selfies


After Ahmed Quraishi’s unceremonious departure from Express News, it was only a brief delay until he was back on the air. This time he has been given a platform on Neo TV, the new private TV channel launched by Chaudhry Abdul Rehman who believes that ‘Pakistan is in a cultural and ideological war‘ and promised to ‘defend Pakistan’s culture and ideology from the Platform of Neo’.

Ahmed Quraishi should feel right at home with Neos idea of media not as means of informing people but a propaganda tool for fighting wars. What is funny, though, is when the media mujahideen get so involved in their soldier fantasies that they lose all perspective and begin to believe that they really ARE soldiers.

We saw this first hand with Zaid Hamid who filled the internet with photos of himself playing dress up like a child.

zaid hamid clown 1zaid hamid clown 2Now Ahmed Quraishi is also suffering from the same delusions.

ahmed quraishi clownWhy does this happen? Is it the massive insecurity from being around real soldiers so often? These clowns would be very funny but unfortunately it is hard to laugh because they, and those who are funding them, obviously think this is helpful for the country. It is bad enough that real journalists are trying to work with a boot on their neck, but this is just too much.

Phony anchors spinning propaganda ‘narratives’ are not soldiers and they are not defending the country. They are only defending their careers at the expense of the real journalists. And please stop taking selfies with guns, boys. You are only embarrassing yourself!




  1. This is something very unfortunate that our nation and society shouldn’t even discourage them. At least we all as an nation should stop watching these so called private channels. They’re not providing information but they’re altering facts and making stories own their own. Believe me they are disgusting.

    Real nice piece of writing. Keep on writing please. Thanks..

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