Pakistan at a crossroads


There is a fight raging for the heart and soul of our great nation. This fight is being borne out in the streets and markets of FATA and South Waziristan; it’s being fought in the halls of power in Islamabad; it’s being fought in the schools and madrassas; it’s being fought on the airwaves and in the newspapers; and it’s being fought in the hopes and fears of everyday Pakistanis.

After more than 60 years of independence – more than 60 years of struggle, civil war, dictatorship, and finally democracy – Pakistan is at a crossroads. There are two paths that we can choose from: There is the easy path, the path of least resistance; the path of fatalism and despair, ruled by tyrants and self-proclaimed ulema and governed with violence and terror.

Or there is the difficult path, the path of struggle and sacrifice; the path of hope and progress, in which the people of Pakistan rule decide for themselves the fate of this great nation, taking responsibilty for our own fate and standing united behind the dream of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Which path we take is a decision only we can make.

Declan Walsh wrote in The Guardian on Friday that Pakistan’s younger generation is losing faith in democracy. The youth do not remember life under Zia’s harsh rule. They cannot recall the pain of Pakistan’s civil war over 30 years ago. Democracy is difficult, and we have finally been able to achieve it only to see the rise of TTP and suicide bombers in Islamabad. Their entire short lives, these young people have only heard about petty corruption and political rivalry, and they are confused about what democracy means, and what we and our parents sacrificed to finally achieve it.

Only a third believe democracy is the best system of governance, one third support sharia law, while 7% think dictatorship is a good idea. Fasi Zaka, a radio DJ and commentator who helped launch the report, called it a snapshot of a “lost generation”.

“They don’t believe in anything firmly. Maybe they want sharia law, maybe they want democracy. It’s all over the place. But despite this there’s a lot of patriotism. So it’s not a lost cause.” Summing up the contradictions, he said young Pakistanis “don’t like this country, but they love it”. 

Thankfully, there is still some hope. While young people are confused and suspicious of democracy, we still have an opportunity to see through this great transformation and make Pakistan a shining example of a modern, democratic Islamic Republic. As said by Farahnaz Ispahani, ”Only if a civilian government is allowed to finish its term will the youth trust in democracy.” 

This is the dream of Quaid-i-Azam that so many have struggled and sacrificed for for generations. Our parents and grandparents have given their lives in the hope of realizing this dream, and we cannot let them down now that we have the prize of a modern, democratic Pakistan within our grasp.

Tariq Aqil reminds us of our history, our struggle, and our future in his brilliant column, I Want Jinnah’s Pakistan.

Time is here for all patriotic forces to band together and demand the return of Jinnah’s Pakistan. This country has to be rescued from the insidious conspiracy of trying to turn this state into a land of religious bigotry and fanaticism. Jinnah’s Pakistan is a country full of hope, optimism, and security. It is the land of our dreams. Jinnah’s Pakistan was created to enable all its citizens to live in peace, harmony and religious tolerance. Jinnah struggled to protect and nurture the cultural values of the Muslims of the sub-continent and not for imported values of an archaic and alien Arabic culture. Jinnah’s Pakistan was created to protect the lives, properties and culture of the Muslims. Jinnah dedicated his life for the preservation of equal rights of men and women, so that they could live in a land free of prejudice and discrimination. Jinnah’s Pakistan was not created to be a safe haven for terrorists. Never in his wildest dreams did the father of the nation thought of creating “Strategic assets” that have now became strategic liabilities or rather strategic horrors.

Pakistani society of today is in desperate need of social justice and elimination of corruption. A modern, progressive, vibrant and welfare society is one which allows the individual to breathe, develops its human resources, lays emphasis on morality and ethics, stresses the importance of education and removes the impediments to individual progress and prosperity. This was the dream and objective of the Quaid-i-Azam. He wanted Pakistan to be developed as a modern, progressive, secular democracy adhering to the principles of fairplay and social justice. Unfortunately immediately after the demise of Mohammed Ali Jinnah Pakistan became a victim of intolerant and fundamentalist religious forces who disowned the principles of secular democracy. Our very own religious fanatics misinterpreted secularism as a principle that was opposed to religion. They very conveniently forgot that it defined the separation of the state and religion but fully respected and protected the freedom to practice one’s beliefs. Our National leaders and those in authority need to wake up and realize the gravity of the situation and save this country from becoming another failed state ending up on the dust heap of history.

If Pakistan has to survive it just cannot do without upholding the lofty principles and guidelines provided to us by that giant of an intellectual, a great visionary and our founding father Quaid-i-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah. The need of the hour is that every Pakistani should demand: I want Jinnah’s Pakistan!

The future of Pakistan will not be defined by the USA, India, Israel, or China. The future of Pakistan can only be determined by ourselves. We must choose our path: Do we want to take the easy path and be ruled by self-styled Taliban mullahs? Or do we want to take the difficult path and reap the reward of prosperity, freedom, and democracy?

I choose the difficult path. I want Jinnah’s Pakistan, too.

Pakistan Zindabad!




  1. It was November 1958 I was in my teens and this was the first martial law in Pakistan.actaully a semi-type had been imposed in Lahore four years earlier for short period.At our house one of my father’s colleague asked me,how I felt about the
    new set up.I asked is the first and the last of
    the coups or will we apply for membership to the
    Latin American Coup club and introduce bull fighting to go along with cricket and hockey.That
    Brigadier later became a four star General and I
    had received my short service commission.He asked
    me over and with his family sitting along told them what I had said ten years earlier.When Yahya
    declared his martial law.I told my colleagues that now a power struggle will take place between
    two factions as to who will out do the other in the realm of corruption- Power tends to corrupt and absolute power, corrupts absolutely.It makes
    no difference whether the politicians come up with their brand of democracy or the army imposes
    her type.Unless the number of political parties are reduced and not operated as personal property
    of the founding family? Only then true democracy will become effective and reducec corruption to the minimum.

  2. I m from Islamabad the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.Islam is religion of love and peace.we will make Pakistan a strong fort of Islam which will be the symbol of love and peace in world.People of Islamic Repulic of Pakistan are sweet like apple and mangoes, polite and beautiful like roses, soft as cotton and strong like punch . we r not feared from current senario b/c continous harhness and creeping gives the diamond worth and extraordinary look.

  3. All nations come to crossroads during their history. At these crossroads the soul of the people is revealed. What do the people value? What do they love? Is justice and righteousness their desire or does darkness reign? The answer will be revealed in the crucible of history. In the meantime, I choose to pray for Pakistan and her great people.

  4. As-salamo-allaykum!

    Brothers of Islam! The author here is totally confused about secularism and Islam. Islam is a path a way of life leading towards peace universal brotherhood. Islam is a religion which explains every aspect of life even the development of a human being and makes society pure by getting rid of all evils.

    I doubt that the author has studied Islam at all.Islam has alaways been attacked by people who fear it.People have tried to corrupt Muslims by dividing into sects thus weakening us.

    I request the author to pray to allah for forgiveness and pray that an Islamic state should come into existence where the true teachings of Islam should be practised.

    I would advise all Muslims to practice Islam as per the teachings of Holy Quran and Sahih Bukhari
    so that they can attain peace here on earth and Jannah(paradise) in the afterlife.

    Donot listen to the likes of the Author and the corrupt Ulema some of whom are multimillionaires now.


  5. Walaikum assalam, Dr. Aijaz. Brother, I think that you are very confused. Allah has given us brains to think and reason. In fact, what is the first word that Jabriel said to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? “Iqraa!” It is a command of almighty Allah that we read and think and use the brains that he gave us to reason. This is the path that the author suggests we take. Do not get confused by words like secularism that you have clearly misinterpreted to be anti-religion. As the author clearly says, this is not anti-religion that he writes of, but respect for people to follow the first command of Allah to the Prophet (SAW) and to read and use their brains to discover for themselves the path to Jannah. And you should be honest in your writing, too. “People” have not tried to corrupt Muslims. Muslims have tried to corrupt us. It is we who have divided ourselves into sects of Sunni Shia Wahabbi etc etc etc and all of this is to enhance the power of those people who are multimillionaires now. What do you call Osama bin Laden? He is a multimillionaire. And you dare to call Ulema corrupt? Who are you talking about? Who is the corrupt Imam that you are accusing and what is your evidence? This is just repeating the propaganda of Taliban and others who try to undermine the Ummah by sowing seeds of discord and claiming the power of the Ulema for themselves without any knowledge or training. Without following that first command of Allah – Iqraa! Insha’Allah you will come around to the truth and not be mislead by the clever tricks of alshaitan who seeks to destroy the people of Allah. Pakistan Zindabad.

  6. Dear brothers, what ever has happened, let us not fight on it.
    I want you to unite and address the image building of paksitan as a whole. I am 42 year old and played my inning. What about my kids, coming generation?.
    Please all of us to sit down and reconcile. As a nation, leaving all quarells, we have to lauch media compaign against all evils working to prove us a BAD nation.
    My dear brothers, write articles and tell others what we are actually and how we are portrayed?


  7. When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was on his death bed, he was asked by his companions to either nominate a successor or show the way to choose one. He didn’t, and said the Book of Allah (Qur’an) and his traditions (Sunnah) should be able to guide the people. This was a greatest service, as, if he had chosen one that person would become infallible and people will have to obey him right or wrong. If he had fixed a method then, that method might not be applicable in a new situation or at later times and in other parts of the World depending on the history, customs, education and geography of the place. He left it to people to decide how to choose the government. He also said “My Ummah will not make a mistake in Ijmaa (public consensus).” This is a clear sign that Islam is closest to democracy, and the method of taking public opinion may change from time to time as the World progresses. Now for example election and democracy is the right way.
    For democracy to prevail in Pakistan, the necessary condition is transparency and strong legal courts and honest and God fearing Police with sufficient power to implement the rulings of the court so that no one should be above law. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said that nations in the past were destroyed by God because they had different rulings for the rich and different for the poor.
    The other requirement for democracy (and we lack it badly) is nationalism which should make us think over and above provincialism, ethnicity, race or social status. Every individual may have a different belief, Sunny, Shia, Sufi, or Christian, Hindu or Parsi (Zoroastrian), which he may keep to himself. Every individual should be protected by law and should have enough trust in the system and feel as much a Pakistani as anyone else. Then we shall see another Pakistan.
    Muhammad Iqbal has said
    “Zara Nam ho to yeh matti bari zar-khez hay Saqi” (If there is little care and water this land is very fertile”.

  8. I am from London, and I have nothing to do with Pakistan, I am not from Pakistan. I was reading many comments posted here. Every religion teach you one thing only, live and let live, respect others to get respected by others. Pakistan must be democracy with islam attached to it as law to govern. Cut all the ties with terrorism (which is the fighting tools, raised for some hidden agenda of currupt government and army generals) I also dont think that Pakistan as a nation has to fear from America, OR India. What Pakistan need is new breed of politicians, and army generals to serve pakistan, who can stop interfearing into neighbouring countries,and make friends, build unity amongs your people, schools, roads, towns facilities for citizens, and teach new generation one law above all’ LIVE AND LET LIVE IN PEACE

  9. My brothern, I want peace and prosperity in the whole world. since, My background is from Indian sub-continent. There are lot of stupid leaders in both India and Pakistan. they should form Federation and just keep 10% of the Military on both sides from the present level. Both stupid people and leaders are spending huge sums of money. India is maintaining 33 divisions of Army, 33 Sqns. Of Air force, about 20 large large Warships, 16 submarines. On the other hand, Pakistan is having 22 divisions of Army, 25 Sqs. of Air force, 10 Warships, about 10 submarines.
    In n terms of Money , India is spending about Rs. 1lac Crores on Military, while pakistan is spending about Rs.60,000 Crores on Military
    If it is brought back to the level of 1956 i.e 8 divisions of Army, 8 Sqs. of Air force, few Submarines and about 8 Frigates, While Pakistan is brought back to 6 divisions of Army, 6 Sqs of Air force, $ Frigates and just about same same ratio of Submarines then.
    Mind you, how much money is saved by the both nations which was a one nation( It was almost the same fate during the Civil war of USA, what happened , about 1 million people were killed, Economy was shattered, once it turned into Union of one United States, It turned out to be a good economic nation) Both India and Pakistan shoud take cue from USA Civil war. It is exactly going in the same way. bhutto and Zardari Said for 100 and thousand year war, but I consider it a Civil struggle in Indian Sub-continent.. If you continue this type of the stupid struggle , then where you both land. Extreme poverty to the People of the Indian sub-continent. Ledt me know, If turn to Islam, then who am I after my death, If turn to Hindu, who am I after my death, If turn to christanity, then who am I after my death, If turn to Sikhism or Budhism or Jewsism, what would be after my death, how many years Ihave pass later life after my death, where, when, to whom. whose. Can somebody give an athentic proof who I will be. No body has given me a real proof so far to me, just logical or illogical arguments of relgious preachers have given to me and nobody satisfied me the true path of humanity.What I felt is all road leads to humanity and good behavior to each other once we have temporary stay of on the average maximum of 60-100 years.If, you can’t give life to somebody, then nobody has any right to take the life of any one. It is not shame that You spend collosal amount of money for killing machines of each other. If you save money from military spendings almost about 1,25000 crores. I give you an example, I was going to start a factory in India, the Project was around Rs one crore, the projected employment was about 100 workers. so, if 100 people are given employment, then 100 families are given food and livings. If , we use
    i,25,000 crores of Rs for Industrial investment or Agricultural investment, then How many people are being given food and living. People to answer my question, which is relgion above then it if it is honestly used money saved on military. Guru Nanak was asked,Muslim is better or Hindu is better. He replied,if Hindu does not follow properly, then he is useless, if Muslim does not follow properly, he is also useless, both lead to the same road, so then why fight why struggle and spend for stupid things. Nobody knows, whether he/she would get a new life after this life or not. so, if we have lease of life for maximum of about 60-100 years, let us live like good friends and brothers, sisters.You don’t know, when will you come after this lease of life.
    If this saved money is spent on investment of production for Rs.1,25000 Crores, then to my opinon, 12.5 Crores people can be given employment. this is a direct employment, while same number would be about indirect employment.
    So, total of about 25 crores employment in one year. this is the the investment for one year. then you save Rs. On lac, twenty five hundred crores every year. So, 100% employment can be given to all people of the Indian Sub-continent.I ask my Muslims, Hindus, Indians, Pakistanis, sikhs, Christans, Bodhies, the communists, the Moists,the marxists, is your relgions are better or giving employment, food and shelter to the people are better. answer my question. Once, it was historically a Federation of the Indian Sub-continent. If you disintegrate,then You will have jealousies. why you should have jealousies. Does Islam or Hindhuism or any other relgions teaches you jealoies. some people talk of most inhuman things, if fmily grows, then they get divided. I ask you can you make half your mother. Nobody can do that same way nations of Federations should not be divided. I request all people of the world that you should try to give employment to all people of the world. so, nobody is without employment or food or shelter. If this is not followed then leads people to frustration.Dirty agencies lead them to crime, then to fight, then to sucide bombers of the modern world. Is this any relgion, is this any nation’s national goal. since, the days of the kings, chieftans and despot rulers are over. the goal should be humanity. Is there any religion better than humanity. The clear answer is no. then follow humanity, have one federation , have good will forgive and forget of the past, start a new chapter.Give hundred percent employment, convert me to any relgion, convert me to any nationality. Since, American almost reached to 100% employment.

  10. My brothern, I want peace and prosperity in the whole world. since, My background is from Indian sub-continent. There are lot of stupid leaders in both India and Pakistan.sidelines these idots, People should form Federation and just keep 10% of the Military on both sides from the present level. Both stupid people and leaders are spending huge sums of money. India is maintaining 33 divisions of Army, 33 Sqns. Of Air force, about 20 large Warships, 16 submarines. On the other hand, Pakistan is having 22 divisions of Army, 25 Sqs. of Air force, 10 Warships, about 10 submarines.
    In terms of Money , India is spending about Rs. 1 lac Crores on Military, while pakistan is spending about Rs.60,000 Crores on Military
    If it is brought back to the level of 1956 i.e 8 divisions of Army, 8 Sqs. of Air force, few Submarines and about 8 Frigates, While Pakistan is brought back to 6 divisions of Army, 6 Sqns. of Air force, 4 Frigates and just about same ratio of Submarines then.
    Mind you, how much money is saved by the both nations which was a one nation( It was almost the same fate during the Civil war of USA, what happened , about 1 million people were killed, Economy was shattered, once it turned into Union of one United States, It turned out to be a good economic nation) Both India and Pakistan should take cue from USA Civil war. It is exactly going in the same way. bhutto and Zardari Said for 100 and thousand year war, but I consider it a Civil struggle in Indian Sub-continent.. If you continue this type of the stupid struggle , then where you both land. Extreme poverty to the People of the Indian sub-continent. Let me know, If turn to Islam, then who am I after my death, If turn to Hindu, who am I after my death, If turn to Christianity, then who am I after my death, If turn to Sikhism or Budhism or Jewsism, what would be after my death, how many years I have to pass later life after my death, where, when, to whom. whose. Can somebody give an authentic proof who I will be. No body has given me a real proof so far to me, just logical or illogical arguments of religious preachers have given to me and nobody satisfied me the true path of humanity.What I felt is all road leads to humanity and good behavior to each other once we have temporary stay of on the average maximum of 60-100 years.If, you can’t give life to somebody, then nobody has any right to take the life of any one. It is not shame that You spend huge amount of money for killing machines of each other. If you save money from military spending almost about 1,25000 crores. I give you an example, I was going to start a factory in India, the Project was around Rs one crore, the projected employment was about 100 workers. so, if 100 people are given employment, then 100 families are given food and livings. If , we use,1,25,000 crores of Rs for Industrial investment or Agricultural investment, then How many people are being given food and living. People to answer my question, which is relgion above then it, if it is honestly used money saved on military.Once, Guru Nanak was asked,Muslim is better or Hindu is better. He replied,if Hindu does not follow properly, then he is useless, if Muslim does not follow properly, he is also useless, both lead to the same road, so then why fight why struggle and spend for stupid things. Nobody knows, whether he/she would get a new life after this life or not. so, if we have lease of life for maximum of about 60-100 years, let us live like good friends and brothers, sisters.You don’t know, when will you come after this lease of life.
    If this saved money is spent on investment of production for Rs.1,25000 Crores, then to my opinion, 12.5 Crores people can be given employment in one year. this is a direct employment, while same number would be about indirect employment.
    So, total of about 25 crores employment in one year. this is the the investment for one year. then you save Rs. On lac, twenty five thousand hundred crores every year. So, 100% employment can be given to all people of the Indian Sub-continent.I ask my Muslims, Hindus, Indians, Pakistanis, Sikhs, Christians, Bodhies, the communists, the Moists,the marxits, is your religion is better or giving employment, food and shelter to the people are better. answer my question. Once, it was historically a Federation of the Indian Sub-continent. If you disintegrate,then You will have jealousies. why you should have jealousies. Does Islam or Hindhuism or any other religion teaches you jalousies. some people talk of most inhuman things, if family grows, then they get divided. I ask you can you make half your mother. Nobody can do that same way nations of Federations should not be divided. I request all people of the world that you should try to give employment to all people of the world. so, nobody is without employment or food or shelter. If this is not followed then leads people to frustration.Dirty agencies lead them to crime, then to fight, then to suicide bombers of the modern world. Is this any religion, is this any nation’s national goal. since, the days of the kings, chieftains and despot rulers are over. the goal should be humanity. Is there any religion better than humanity. The clear answer is no. then follow humanity, have one federation , have good will forgive and forget of the past, start a new chapter.Give hundred percent employment, convert me to any religion, convert me to any nationality. Since, American almost reached to 100% employment.

    Now, I ask direct questions to Manmohan Singh, Mr Singh, You are considered the greatest economist of the world. Did you ever think that, saving 1,25000 crores of Rs. by both India and Pakistan in one year could lead to 100% employmet of the Indian Sub-continent. You were borne in Pakistan of course at that time, United India. So, both people and the soil is the same for you. If, you have not thought over on this subject, You are the prime Minister of India, think it both parts are your soil and both people are your blood only. Have a truthful heart, Pakistanis are also your people, they have not fallen from sky, they are also your people as Indians are your people. Convert me to any religion or any state nationality, give them 100% employment. You have given the greatest boost to the Indian economy, then why not have you given to Pakistanis economy. so, I guide you, try to stop terrorist, the first step, second step to try to form federation of the United India, let everyone have his internal Independence, Solve Kashmir Probelem by adopting give and take policy with pure heart with no political stuntism, be a human being, but condiering all aspects of humanity from both angles.A joint federation on the pattrans of United States or the European Uniion. Shame, The european Union has even abolished the police check posts at the borders. The immigration laws are also made simple and adaptable to the people of the European Uniion. Same is the case with the Russian Commonwealth of Independent states. Pracitically peace and prosperty has turned in . This is the same case with USA and Canada. The border procedures are very simple. Just keep people in uniform just to maintain Internal Law and Order, that is it , why to spend too much on Military. It is a clear inhumanity and huge wastage of human and material resources of the planet. You have the highest degrees in economy, You have highest. I don’t doubt your integrity,capability but this task in your life is paramount.
    Now, come on Zardari, I ask you simple question. Are you a truthful Muslim, Industrialist and President of Pakistan. If the answer is yes, then let me know, to adopt polices which lead to unemployment are as per the tenants of the Islam or not?. the same question is to all generals and secretaries of both India, Pakistan and Bangla Desh. Read carefully , you have maximum lease of life of 60-100 years.After that no more. Mr. Zardari, You are one of the top Industrialists of Pakistan, In your Industries, how many people are given employment. O.K some people call you Mr. 10%, so what ? You should not adopt the policies that people call you 10%. Same 10%, if you save and invest in Public Industry than , look you would be giving personally giving 10% more employment and production. I appreciated your first step that Indian ports are highly busy and Pakistani Ports and Railways can be used to feed the Indian Market, how much revenue, Pakistan will generate more, with more income more money for investment, in other words more employment to people. More employment to people, they are giving automatically good food and shelter. Does the Islam teaches the same thing or different. I don’t think any religion is against it, that you don’t give employment food and shelter.
    Now, you come to religion, Islam never teaches you force conversion, and even Islam teaches to treat all human beings as equal. If you say that Islam teaches you to lead a life of best human beings, then it is a duty of everyone to try to give 100% employment to everybody. Islam never teaches you differentiation. No, religion teaches you differentiation. If any religious teachers teaches you differentiation, they are irrelevant for human beings.
    If you go the same way negotiated settlement for all disputes and formation of a federation, then you will save almost 40000-50000 crores of rs. in one year. the pro-ratio will be much higher than India. India will be saving about 1,10,000 crores , while Pakistan will ge saving about 50000 crores per year. 1, 10,000 crores for 33 states while 50000 corores for 5 states of pakistan. Pakistan will be able to give 100% employment to entire people of pakistan just within two years while India will be able to give 100% employment in 4-5 years. So, is 100-1000 years struggle/war is better or giving 100% employment to his people is better. Choice is yours. Both, Manmohman singh and you speak the same language, both of you don’t need foreign interpreters to translate for you.
    Mr. Zardari, If you give 100% employment to your people in 2 years, Allah will give you haven ( To me, it is not sure is there any heaven or hell, god knows it, I am a small human being, I really don’t know it) Straight way, I tried to be a truthful person in my life, generally, my calculations are correct, so you will straight way go to haven, why, because, you will be giving 100% employment to your people, You will be ending terrorism integrating your brethren of both India and Pakistan, you will be ending the route cause of the terrorism, a peace on earth.

    Stop these slogans, “Islam Kather me haih, Bharat Ki Akhandata kathera me Hiah “( Stop these intoxicating Slogans, The Integrity of India is in danger, Islam is in danger) these are most inhuman stupid slogans for the illiterate poor people. This is inhuman and this type of inciting slogans are even against all religions that you intoxicate innocent people for your ulterior motives).
    Mr. Zardari and your team-mates, if you save 50000 crores per year while lowering the military budget while India to lower their military budget for 1,10,000 crores per year. If Mr. Zardari, you charge 10%, people should happily give you since you will be saving 45,000 crores per year. It is better to save 45,000 crores rather than going wastage. Be a better Industrialist. In Industry, every efforts are done, to minimize wastage. Mr. Zardari, I speak your language. Let me, know, to give boost to terrorism, a struggle for 100, 1000 years war is better or to solve everything by give and take, form federation, give employment to people. If you think while saving 10% for your family, will give your generation for all times to come then you are living in fool’s paradise. What has happened to the “Sultanat of Mugal” Families. Now, they are selling Tea-Cups in the streets of Calcutta. Because they were responsible for killing of of millions of People.
    Unemployment to people, bad economy. Akbar and “Shah-Jahan” economy was the best, there was a peace, “Arungajeb”, destroyed everything of “Mugal” Empire. On the other hand look at George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Both brought humanity and tried to bring equality for all human, if you think that 10% saved from for your family would give your family generation top life for all times to come, forget it.Why don’t you consider that All Pakistani’s are your real brethren and your blood. You are not. I don’t say that you don’t look after your personal family.But treat all Indian sub-continental people as your blood and your family. It is very difficult to adapt other children, but all other adapted children are also very lovable, then you can go to heaven. since, You are Industrialist too, I have spoken in your language.
    Now, Straight questions to the Secretaries and generals/Air-Marshals/Admirals/ the Intelligence chiefs. All of you are the Imperialist legendary, because, you think of the way Imperialists left you in the Indian Sub-Continent. You always have a clash with the Politician. Since, Politicians are generally less educated and less experienced than you people, So, you always think of your class. Let me know, are you are better as a general manager of an honest company/or corporation which is giving employment to thousands of people or a general or a bureaucrat of thousands of soldiers/ Clerks. why this so, If you save money from Military spending then you should not be made jobless, you should be given the same opportunity/ alternatives, otherwise that would also be inhuman that you give employment to some part of society and make jobless to other part of the society. choose between the two:- 1 you are a general/Secretary/Bureaucrat or a GM/ Chariman of a Company/ corporation with 1-1/2 to 2 times the salary with other conditions almost the same, In this side you are giving productions/Development to your people( Giving employment to people and production.Both ways are road to God since, you are giving work and filling the belly of the people) . which would be your choice ?

    Questions to Religious Preachers of Indian sub-Continet( i.e.India, pakistan, Bangldesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Afganistan, Sri Lanka). Are you teaching Intoxication or real relgion. Did you ever teach humanity what your relgion has bestowed you or you are giving intoxication. Stop giving intoxication, give them brotherhood) If you think, by giving intoxication of relgion fundamentalism, your job is secured than take an alternative job and stop intoxication. Look, if you teach fanaticism, the money is spend on weapons, terrorism, Military, if you teach them brotherhood, affection and love for all, then you save money to the tune of Rs.1,50,000 crores, than you also can have much more better jobs. while doing job and sweet of labor you prey to god alongwith it is always better, you are doing a better service to your religion, So, which choice is better, Certainly, I am not against any relgion, but I am dfinitely against dogmatism and fundamentalism and fanaticism Now, Straight question to terrorists. do you believe that all living beings have basic human rights or not ? If you have right to live than others also have a right to live. Don’t you think that You live in peace, you should have employment, food, and shelter. One, side is terrorism that means military spending a wasteful spending, on other side is the spending on investment and production. which is better. is it better to train terrorists or train technical workers or skilled workers/Engineers/ doctors/ Agriculturists. which is better. One side to solve disputes with negotiated settlements other side is to solve with force of arms/ Military/ Terrorism. with the later you spend huge wastage of resources of the planet. Tell me which religion speaks the language of wastage of the resources of the planet. None. so, then why you adopt religious terrorism/ Nationalist terrorism.

    so, my brethren, choice is yours. to me, both India and Pakistan are lovely.Leaders/ People to to have better sense , reduce military spendings,
    Mr. Manmohan singh, how gracefully, you embraced your Muslim brotherns from your encestorors village once they called you their Mohna, same way the whole of Pakistan is also your bretherns and embrace them too ,
    Mr. Zardari, how gracefully you gave the ideas of the utilization of the Pakistani Ports for the Indian Market. this is purely a human and business love to people of India and Pakistan.

    Move forward and end the legacies of the past. People of both countries are brethren and they are Federation for the greater interest of the humanity.

  12. Adaab arz…People like Dr. Aijaz are misguided individuals who are trying to misconstrue the concept of Pakistan taht was in Mr. Jinnah’s mind. He does not even know what secular means. It may be recalled that Jamat-e-Islami and other mullah parties were deadly against Pakistan before independence. They even declared Mr. Jinnah as a Kafir. Soon after Pakistan came into being they coined a new slogan ‘Pakistan ka matlab kya.. la Illaha Illallah’. This was totally against the concept of Pakistan in Mr. Jinnah’s mind and in the minds of common muslims of the sub-continent. These mullahs did it only to misguide the people. It was a matter of the mullah’s survival in political affairs of the state of Pakistan. These self-serving mullahs succeeded in forcing the ‘Objectives Resolution’ by misguiding the people of Pakistan. This was a fatal mistake the people of Pakistan (through the Constituent Assembly) committed. This resolution needs to be deleted from the constitution of Pakistan if we want Jinnah’s Pakistan. Deleting this resolution will not convert the people to la-diniat as the majority of Pakistanis are devout muslims…only they are not extremists like the Taliban or their supporters in the mullah parties. What Pakistan needs today is a rational humanistic approach towards its problems where the people should rise against bigotry and terrorism and shun corruption, nepotism, and all the social evils plaguing the Nation. There is no alternative to DEMOCRACY. Only we need to elect honest God-fearing competent people who can bring us out of the deep rut that the whole nation is being led into by the mullahs and corrupt and self serving politicians.

  13. well I have gone through most of comments. Pakistan country and nation both are unlucky because they have been ruled by dictators, traitors and hypocrites. we neithe enjoyed democracy nor a sincere dictatorship. The best period is yet to come.
    Now we have independent judiciary and free media. Both of these will bring true democracy in Pakistan.
    India and Pakistan are fighting over Kashmir. If India accept plebicite in Kashmir or simply hand over Kashmir to Pakistan ,all the disputes will be over and a time will come that there will beno actual boundaries. If India wants a united India then It has to hand over Kashmir.

  14. we are lucky, we are Pakistani and Inshallah we will prove that we are clean clear and inocent, as “zulm pher zulm hy brhata hy tu mit jata hy”

  15. Pakistan, I gone through many of the above comments, people thinking the word secularism is wrongly used, almost every one is blamming Mulla’s i take it mean religious parties from Pakistan, yet fail to show them as a most corrupted people, we see other democratic and military leaders who have gathered an insane amount of wealth, and live a different life in Pakistan, but the fingers are raised towards these people who are living with basic necessities of life. Hold on, I am not defending them, but I think we are just following a wrong direction.
    If we have an intelligent son, we want him to be an engineer, doctor, may be a Chartered Accountant and a lawyer, but not Religious leader, we leave that field to be fill by our weakest brains, we have never developed, and genuinely assisted religious part of our country. We only took this country on the name of Islam, but have not implemented the rules.
    What Rules?? simple rules, we have common and share values with the developed world, we as a muslim are believers, and have our covenants with Allah, not to lie, not to cheat, not to steal, not to deprive some one of their right. Next time when you drive kindly observe how many people deprive you from your right of path, simply we are lost, UN reports tells us that “Pakistani society is highly corrupt, you can almost get any document, from authorities, from FIR, to an article in Newspaper”.
    How protected our neighbor is from our deeds, not an Islamic issue, a very basic requirement of a civilized society.

    You know who is to blame, so why put fingers, it is man in the mirror need to change, Do we want a better pakistan, are we ready to pay the price, let be honest, lets give the due to the others today, No undue favors , no lies to get in front of line, or to get places, not jumping the queues, Lets fine out how hard it is

    • I agree with comments put forth above by the gentlemen named Zulfiqar. All this “Pakistan at cross roads” and “choosing between either militant mullahs or Qaedeazam” is not even the concern for any sane minded who is worried with our challenges in hand. The media elitists and few drawing room analysts would like to just further their gains of political mileage and try to maintaining the current status quo for personal greed. The hoax and fear created in the post 911 world is still driving many delusional, while a new monster in brand of gun totting bearded war mongers is tagged as the number one enemy of Pakistan, when actually ever fresh breed of politicians coming out from the swine nursery have infested us for many decades. Wake up!

  16. I reject both of them, Quaid means, guidance, which means Qura’an. Azam, is only ONE ALLAH.

    and taliban are just depiction to destroy the image of intellectual people who need peace, not fasaad.

    So we need “siraat-al-mustaqeem”, the path which ALLAH knows, the path on which ALLAH has guided his people with beautiful bounties.

  17. Only selfish, corrupt and extremist elements have destroyed Quaid’s Pakistan. We are still in the grip of these elements.Think about the new name given to Frontier Province. The writer is correct in saying what he has said. The fate of a nation is in the hands of its people. We need to get out of the grip and take our course on the path highlighted in the article. We need to choose only one from the two paths.

  18. This is just a reminder that if you post a comment that is obscene or racist it will be deleted. You can post a view that is opposed to the post – in fact we welcome that to start a discussion. There are many comments that are critical of the poster, and I believe we can respectfully disagree about items. That is no problem. But do not be offensive please. There are plenty of other popular forums where you can post these attacks if you want. All I ask is that you be reasonable and respectful. This is a website for thinking people, not for brainwashed people.

  19. We tried everything from democratic to dictatorship system and find no solution to end the problems lets try sharaih system which is a modern system in this situation,I think we want some sleep and dont like to wake up, we are ourself is the greatest problems to our own country pakistan because we vote those who dont want to work just relax and then we blame the govt officials.We are ourself is the biggest problem in the humanity

  20. i love my country because it is the gift of ALLAH to the muslims of these days pakistan is facing some problems like terorism,dearness,load shedding and some other,but i m tusted in my ALLAH a bright period will must in the history of pakistan and pakistan will be standing like a devolope country.always nation built after difficulties and pakistan is passing through a difficult age.insha allah peace,prosperity and happiness soon welcome to all pakistanies.

  21. all member of your asmible was cropt i think there were arested i request army do you best my wish all ofyou

  22. Pakistan should be cleaned from extremists,shouldn’t have a second opinion about that.I have no doubt about the bright future of my country.We need to have right people at the right places which is crucial for the prosperity of the country.It is Quaid’s Pakistan and is absolutely not at crossroads, it has got only one way and is heading towards a glorious future.

    • disappointed seeing youth like us,,with these remarks, and then optimist that still a few love pakistan, and dont want pakistan to be broken and on path towards success and prosperity,,,,Pakistan Zindabad,,

  23. Why New-Pakistan???
    Pakistan was not made without cause; it was made in the name of ISLAM, unfortunately never fully transformed in to one. They lost their paths while making them listen to worldly superiors and accepting their systems to become their way of life. Political coverage of England was shown by the media as if it was their own; and love claims of our leaders to them is more than showing interest in solving basic commodities to their own people. They have become row models, not the Prophet of ISLAM (sallahu wa alihi wasalaam); Prophet symbolizes nowadays to washout sins or gain blessings, which are sinned going against the Creator and teaching of His Prophet (salahu wa alihi wasalaam) in the first place with deliberation; Not many Muslims whether men or women care because understanding freedom has deceive them too just like it did to west.
    Islam is way of life as desired by ALLAH. Secularism cannot be considered as an option; the hole in secularism will surf always when it comes to the faith or belief. Terrorism comes from difference of opinion and extremism; The Noble Quran and authenticated sunnah (sallahu wa alihi wasalam) can centralize the command and could unite the Nation in Pakistan and the whole Muslim Nations. Sects are not blessing they are cursed and major cause of disturbance in social peace and prosperity which can be attained only when all people agree to respect each other and listen to their pious leaders who will command them good and stop evil. May ALLAH forgive our sins and save us from the curse of inequality and sects. AMEEN.

    • there is no doubt, Pakistan was build on the ideology of islam but does it enough for us that Pakistan is based on islam.tell me what about the implementation of islam’s teachings.who will stand for this purpose.we all,including me,get our license to do wrongs on the name of liberation and who wants to implement islam’s teachings,we call him extremist……….if he is extremist………then with dejection i have to say, islam likes extremism and it is religion of extremists………..because God have ordered you to stop the evils according to your strength.if some one wants to put into practice islamic ideology we call him extremist…..if someone marrried commit fornication,one should be dead with stones and a crowd of people should be gathered,this is law of islam…….if someone implements this law of islam we all utter that this is brutality……if this is brutality then islam likes brutality…….and every true muslim should likes this brutality…………and me too likes this brutality..every one has liberty to call me as ……….extremist……than u……….criticism is welcomed

  24. Might Punjab & Punjabi Establishment are responsible for present situation in Pakistan. They had compelled majority (56%) to get independence from minority (44%). What a shame!! and now they are treating rest three provinces particularly resources-wise rich Sindh & Balochistan as their slaves. Sindh is contributing more than 70 per cent revenues and Punjab is making merry on Sindh % Balochistan resources. We have not learnt any lesson from the history. This is truth..!! KB


      • Which base you are saying there is no Balochis in Pakistan Army or other security forces? be positive. back few years a lot of Balochi peoples join security forces. & you AZADI is not meaning or killing innocent peoples or Hazara’z or other peoples who dont agree with your freedom movement. YOUR ARE JUST PLAYING WITH INDIAN HANDS & THAT’S IT.


        • Your sick comments are mind boggling !! .. yes patahans dont spit pans .. they spit naswars ! .. and you had the silly gutts to brand ppl of karachi as mobile snatchers !! ?? .. what about ppl of faisalabad, gujranwala, lahore and shaikhupura ?? .. the army relaxes criteria for physical fitness for ppl of karachi !! .. u are a fool .. the army now needs brain and a strategic thinker .. thats why army officers from karachi have gone on to become chiefs of army staffs .. 2 were coas .. akhtar abdul rehman, moin hyder, khalid mahmood arif all were urdu speakers .. now spare us with your stupid punjabi superiority complex !! .. it is nothing but foolishness and ignorance ..

    • It amazing how you can only see minor things….This is what Pakistan is doing attacking other Muslims Country and attacking there own people by join USA war against Muslims and their resources. There is no doubt the war against terror is bullshit as there is no valid reason or proof for attacking 3 countries Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Our government and USA is just try to divide and rule us. Our identity is being attacked and erased as our education is replace by bullshit content and our culture is formed by media and TV. And despite taking side with USA, Pakistan Image is being attacked by lie and deceptions for quite a long time. Just notice how in every movie, show , drama and cartoons the image of Muslims is associated by Bad & evil things and notice the comment on Pakistani news are in you tube etc , just notice them and you’ll know there are being controlled by professional teams who comment and like anti Muslim comments. So instead of blaming each other stand to for truth.

  25. i request to all sides to surrender their extremism and stand for global peace and harmony i mean everyone either a group or a state having any foreign designs,leave them and stand for peace and remove mutual conflicts which r useless and dangerous for humanity like i ask every state to stop military adventures, both covert and overt, as well as extremist groups to leave their extreme agendas give the peace a chance …. pakistan zindabad,, regards

  26. To all my brothers Pakistan is reality now whether its creation was a right move or wrong it is a question of detailed discussion. Now for the improvement of the lives of poor we have to come out from extremisim,whether sunni or sheia or any other secterisim we have to come out of the provincielism ,we have to forget the local languages, local culture and local citizen we have to think of whole Pakistan.e.g Punjabi esteblishment now doubt the efficincy of Buerucracy whether civil or milatary is not satisfactory.In the establishment there is a large number of Punjabies but the performance of OTHER Provices berucracy is not considerable. Secterism did not give any support but it harm the society and muslims we should be a muslim which have symphaty for humanity.
    Relation with india should be improved.Relations with neighbor are the gurantor of prosperiy in this region. As Pakistani like tradiation of india e.g film industry, drama industry , language and tradiation so there should be peice.Extremism should be discourged furiously. The efficiency of instituttion can be increased . e.g A Pakistani student spends 16 years of education but has a little knowledge of modern languages, modern technology and limited thinking and knowledge . Privatization is a cure.Kala bagh is the necessaty of Pakistan As in the month of June, july ,August and september blood goes to sea.This is the blood of poor people.A rich man wherther he is in sindh or Punjab or in Sarhad he has no concern of the price of electricity or price of food items or any other economic activity.English should be the medium of syllabus through out the Pakistan.

  27. Do we not know that the British are very far sighted people and they reap the rewards of their actions for generations?

  28. Dear Editor:

    I am from the USA. I know we are not very popular in your country right now, but I read your article and I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was.

    What courageous words. I read other sites from Pakistan and I do not see writing of your calibur. I see caution and sometimes outright fear – and these days who can blame them?

    Pakistan is a wonderful country. I love It too.

    Because after 9/11, I stopped thinking of your part of the world as – where we get the oil. I stopped and looked around. Being like most Americans, when it came to geography, I was lost.

    But I fell in love with Pakistan. It’s beautiful and the people are tough and fiery. But there seems to be a sense of denial that scares me. I’m scared for Pakistan right now as well as my own country because we also fight to retain our democracy and keep to our Constitution. It’s a struggle best won with verbal arguments and votes, as you well know.

    I do wish you all well.


  29. pakistyan will always be there, the bloody scavanger(whether in politician or civil or military bearucracy)may not harm thoughmay pose threat to the stability. We need clean citizens and patriots to shoulder the responsibilty for the peace and prosperity. Though Pakistan is facing a tough situation but dont worry here r people to protect it and insha-ALLAH pakistan will emerge shining,happy, peacful and prosperous Pakistan for its people and the world. Pakiswtan has a lot of potential, though apparantly disturbing in the shape of zardari and many like him. Thanks to all those who have good feelings for pakistan and who r sacrificng for it in any shape. Long live pakistan

  30. PAKISTAN IS THE ONLY COUNTRY SACRIFICED MOST FOR USA AND WORST EFFECTED TODAY ONLY BECOZ SUPPORTING USA PEOPLE AND LEADERS Obama’s  will be presidency of wars sold as “just wars” of necessity in the Greater Middle East. He is a proponent of pursuing the Taliban across the Pakistani-Afghan i borders and engaging them in Pakistan with or without the consent of Pakistani authorities. Many analysts in the US see that as a destabilizing move of the Pakistani government and military; it might even plunge Pakistan into its own civil war and even partition. The negative impact of destabilizing Pakistan will not be limited to its borders. The instability in Pakistan would quickly spread across the border into Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Eastern Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and spread westward to Europe’s backdoor; Algeria and Morocco it took USA 275 years to becoema great nation,Pakistan is just 61 and a lot batter,after the end of great mogul empire WE started from zero and i think so far we did pretty good,not saying its all honey and milk but one always have to be positive and yes some Pakistani created mess and problems for Pakistan but more mess and problems are created by OTHERS who just don’t stop putting there,leg,nose etc in our affairs,there is a long list of that,i give you one example people of Pakistan wanted general Musharraf out but USA and UK were doing there best to keep him IN,why on earth they don’t mind there or sick business,let us sort out our affairs bomb blasts suicide blasts price hike corruption Miss use of NAB department against rivals lot of corruption inside NAB itself while polluting army and putting them in civilian departments rather then their real duties TRUE THIEVES CORRUPT PEOPLE RAN AWAY FROM THE COUNTRY SCREEN AFTER DESTROYING COUNTRY> SHAUKAT AZIZ CHAUDRY SHUJAT-PERVAIZ ILAHI GERNAL MUSHARAF ASFANDIAR WALI ARBAB RAHIM MOLANA FAZLUREHMAN ILTAF HUSSAIN ETC ETC THEY WILL DIE THEN THERE SON WILL START EATING THIS LAND LIKE YOUNIS ILAHI HAMZA SHARIF BILAWAL AIMAL WALI BASTARDS T-SOLD COUNTRY ON USA IN WARS BORDERS VIOLATIONS DAILY BY FAKE TALIBAN IN REAL THEY ARE ISRAEL INDIA KGB BLACK WATER KHAD MO SAD SECRET AGENCIES AFGHANISTAN MAJORLY INVOLVED TO DESTABILIZE OUR COUNTRY COMPLETELY FROM INSIDE WAKE UP BROTHER N SISTERS ITS TIME TO GET UNITED AND PROVE WITH POWER OF TECHNOLOGY LIKE RUSSIA AND CHINA AND URN THEIR HEADS IN FIRE ALL THE ENEMIES OF PAKISTAN WHETHER INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL WHO WANTS PAKISTAN TO BE WIPED OFF FROM THE MAP HOPE U UNDERSTAND DO UR BEST IN UR OWN REGARDS NOT JUST BY READING IT.

  31. pakistan is at the mercy of those who are ruling us, our own representitives. state is facing numerous challenges, economic factor is most important which is required to be tackled. If our ruling elite want to save the country they must help the state thr

    pakistan is at the mercy of those who are rulling us, our own representitives. state is facing numerous challenges, economic factor is most important which is required to be tackled. If our ruling elite wants to save the country they must help the state through their own money. Mr. Zardai and Mr. sharif must share thier substatial amount of money with nation. It is indespensable in order to save the nation and homeland simulteneously. politicians must empty their pockets for the survival of the state which is standing on the verge of catastrophe due to economic upheaval.


  33. i can’t understand why we are increasingly promoting the wrong agenda,there is no crossroads dear it has been a confusion that has been created due to the war that was of us, just because of musharraf we’ve been into it.
    There is period of 11 years between soviet war that ended 1989 & happening of 9/11.
    In that period was there any suicide bombings inside Pakistan?????.this situation is actually the difference of Approaches of Government and people of Pakistan.
    and as far as militancy is concern jihad is an integral part of Islam.
    But the problem is that we have condemn all sorts of jihadi struggles like in Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan where Muslims are fighting for there survivals.

  34. yes i admit that is at crssroads. i am just a simple citizen of this nation. pakistan is at the crossroad because we the simple pakistanis think that we cannot do anything. but my strong belief is that only we simple people can change the fate of this country. the only need that i feel is necessary is to become united. no one of the upper class will think 4 us.then why should not think for each other. step up and think for each pakistani. Allah has given us everthing to change our destinies

  35. The article has correctly presented the state of mind of Pakistani youth. Yet, the author has not gone in depth to pin point the reason for all this dis-order and chaos.

    In my opinion, people have lost hope in the system due to the absence of JUSTICE. The common man cannot his or her legitimate rights in our society. As a reaction, most of the youth who has the resources or chance, are willing to leave Pakistan and joining Europe to have a better life. The others, who haven’t got such resources, often join the so called ‘non-state’ elements.

    With the current leadership of our country and the mind set of our people, I am not very optimistic about future. We know that our leadership is corrupt, yet we are not willing to support a person like Imran Khan when it comes to election. That clearly depicts the contrast.

  36. yes,i totally agree with editor.

  37. I love u Pakistan. only we need for the time is unity. Hope that one day we all will unite for the better future of our Pakistan.

  38. The solution is simple. We can only unite if we submit to Deen Islam. Yes if we want peace and unity, we have to make good relation with the one who has created the universe and who is controlling the universe.

  39. Pakistan, the greatest nation the planet bocz of its decades of struggle for its freedom and after getting it now Pakistani nation has many challenges to face like terrorism, extremism, ethnic crises, etc but this great nation is becoming emotionally, religiously,socially and psychologically stronger and stronger day by day. Some extremist elements like USA, INDIA, ISRAEL and their agents (Taliban) has started a coward game of terror against the peaceful citizen of Pakistan but with the help og Almighty GOD with the strong and solid will power of Pakistani nation we are defeating them. They are loosing their courage and Pakistani nation is getting stronger and stronger day by day despite of given the preicious blood of our great men, women, children and specially our brave soilders. Now the count down of u.s.a is started bcoz of its dirty work. USA has lost its grip on economy, to its people, its politics and specially in the international community. And very soon usa will be a fresh example of 1979 soviet union destruction. The enemies of Pakistan are coward, they dont have the courage to challenge my country face to face bcoz they khow very well that Pakistan is 1st nuclear power amongest muslim countries. I request to the whole Pakistani nation to plz think positive and don,t loose their courage. We had fought against terrorism, we are fighting against this evil and we will fight against this evil till put it to its end. My dear citizens plz never think about being Punjabi, pathan, sindhi and baloch. Just think about being a true muslim and a patriotic Pakistani. PAKISTAN ZINDA BAAD- ISLAAM PAINDA BAAD.

  40. I think we are creating more confusions, specially when we say that sharia law and democracy are two different ways to govern. Even Khilafat is not a name of any system. One has to clear the concepts before using these terms. And I don’t think that this is the major problem at this time. The major problem is the current electoral system through which no noble and educated person can win the elections. If we want to save Pakistan we must rise to change the current system which protects only the corrupt leaderships of various parties. “VOTE FOR NONE

  41. Pakistan is a dream of Indian Muslims. It does not account for the aspirations of The four brothers [punjabi, sindhi, phathan, balouchi. First you have to give us the rights to use our languages and in the case of Punjab its too late for that too. We would like to be divided and part sent to India and rest to Urdu speakering allotees

    • Pakistan, the greatest nation the planet bocz of its decades of struggle for its freedom and after getting it now Pakistani nation has many challenges to face like terrorism, extremism, ethnic crises, etc but this great nation is becoming emotionally, religiously,socially and psychologically stronger and stronger day by day. Some extremist elements like USA, INDIA, ISRAEL and their agents (Taliban) has started a coward game of terror against the peaceful citizen of Pakistan but with the help og Almighty GOD with the strong and solid will power of Pakistani nation we are defeating them. They are loosing their courage and Pakistani nation is getting stronger and stronger day by day despite of given the preicious blood of our great men, women, children and specially our brave soilders. Now the count down of u.s.a is started bcoz of its dirty work. USA has lost its grip on economy, to its people, its politics and specially in the international community. And very soon usa will be a fresh example of 1979 soviet union destruction. The enemies of Pakistan are coward, they dont have the courage to challenge my country face to face bcoz they khow very well that Pakistan is 1st nuclear power amongest muslim countries. I request to the whole Pakistani nation to plz think positive and don,t loose their courage. We had fought against terrorism, we are fighting against this evil and we will fight against this evil till put it to its end. My dear citizens plz never think about being Punjabi, pathan, sindhi and baloch. Just think about being a true muslim and a patriotic Pakistani. PAKISTAN ZINDA BAAD- ISLAAM PAINDA BAAD.

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